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Complete slight and hycom1 grid column generation. mom-ocean#334
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nichannah committed Jul 21, 2016
1 parent 85d9677 commit 35fed81
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 111 deletions.
184 changes: 73 additions & 111 deletions src/ALE/MOM_regridding.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1105,10 +1105,11 @@ subroutine build_grid_HyCOM1( G, GV, h, tv, dzInterface, remapCS, CS )
type(regridding_CS), intent(in) :: CS !< Regridding control structure

! Local variables
integer :: i, j, k, nz
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: T_col, S_col, p_col, rho_col, h_col_new ! Layer quantities
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: z_col, z_col_new ! Interface positions relative to the surface in H units (m or kg m-2)
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: dz_col ! The realized change in z_col in H units (m or kg m-2)
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: p_col ! Layer pressure in Pa
integer :: i, j, k, nz
real :: depth

nz = GV%ke

Expand All @@ -1119,13 +1120,17 @@ subroutine build_grid_HyCOM1( G, GV, h, tv, dzInterface, remapCS, CS )
do j = G%jsc-1,G%jec+1 ; do i = G%isc-1,G%iec+1
if (G%mask2dT(i,j)>0.) then

! Copy T and S onto new variables so as to not alter the original values
! of T and S (these are remapped at the end of the regridding iterations
! once the final grid has been determined).
T_col(:) = tv%T(i,j,:)
S_col(:) = tv%S(i,j,:)
depth = G%bathyT(i,j) * GV%m_to_H

z_col(1) = 0. ! Work downward rather than bottom up
do K = 1, nz
z_col(K+1) = z_col(K) + h(i,j,k) ! Work in units of h (m or Pa)
p_col(k) = CS%ref_pressure + CS%compressibility_fraction * &
( 0.5 * ( z_col(K) + z_col(K+1) ) * GV%H_to_Pa - CS%ref_pressure )

build_hycom1_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T_col, S_col, z_col_new)
call build_hycom1_column(CS, remapCS, tv%eqn_of_state, nz, depth, &
h(i, j, :), tv%T(i, j, :), tv%S(i, j, :), p_col, z_col, z_col_new)

! Calculate the final change in grid position after blending new and old grids
call filtered_grid_motion( CS, nz, z_col, z_col_new, dz_col )
Expand All @@ -1141,20 +1146,21 @@ subroutine build_grid_HyCOM1( G, GV, h, tv, dzInterface, remapCS, CS )

end subroutine build_grid_HyCOM1

subroutine build_hycom1_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_col_new)
subroutine build_hycom1_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, p_col, z_col, z_col_new)
type(regridding_CS), intent(in) :: CS !< Regridding control structure
type(remapping_CS), intent(in) :: remapCS !< Remapping parameters and options
type(EOS_type), pointer :: eqn_of_state !< Equation of state structure
integer, intent(in) :: nz !< Number of levels
real, intent(in) :: depth !< Depth of ocean bottom (positive in m)
real, intent(in) :: depth !< Depth of ocean bottom (positive in H)
real, dimension(nz), intent(in) :: T, S !< T and S for column
real, dimension(nz), intent(in) :: h !< Layer thicknesses, in m
real, dimension(nz), intent(in) :: p_col !< Layer pressure in Pa
real, dimension(nz+1), intent(in) :: z_col ! Interface positions relative to the surface in H units (m or kg m-2)
real, dimension(nz+1), intent(inout) :: z_col_new !< Absolute positions of interfaces

! Local variables
integer :: i, j, k, nz
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: p_col, rho_col, h_col_new ! Layer quantities
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: z_col ! Interface positions relative to the surface in H units (m or kg m-2)
integer :: k
real, dimension(nz) :: rho_col, h_col_new ! Layer quantities
real, dimension(CS%nk,2) :: ppoly_i_E ! Edge value of polynomial
real, dimension(CS%nk,2) :: ppoly_i_S ! Edge slope of polynomial
real, dimension(CS%nk,CS%degree_i+1) :: ppoly_i_coefficients ! Coefficients of polynomial
Expand All @@ -1168,13 +1174,6 @@ subroutine build_hycom1_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_
maximum_depths_set = allocated(CS%max_interface_depths)
maximum_h_set = allocated(CS%max_layer_thickness)

z_col(1) = 0. ! Work downward rather than bottom up
do K = 1, nz
z_col(K+1) = z_col(K) + h(i,j,k) ! Work in units of h (m or Pa)
p_col(k) = CS%ref_pressure + CS%compressibility_fraction * &
( 0.5 * ( z_col(K) + z_col(K+1) ) * GV%H_to_Pa - CS%ref_pressure )

! Work bottom recording potential density
call calculate_density(T, S, p_col, rho_col, 1, nz, eqn_of_state)
! This ensures the potential density profile is monotonic
Expand All @@ -1184,16 +1183,16 @@ subroutine build_hycom1_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_

! Interpolates for the target interface position with the rho_col profile
call regridding_set_ppolys(rho_col, CS, nz, h(i,j,:), ppoly_i_E, ppoly_i_S, &
call regridding_set_ppolys(rho_col, CS, nz, h(:), ppoly_i_E, ppoly_i_S, &
ppoly_i_coefficients, ppoly_degree)
! Based on global density profile, interpolate to generate a new grid
call interpolate_grid(nz, h(i,j,:), z_col, ppoly_i_E, ppoly_i_coefficients, &
call interpolate_grid(nz, h(:), z_col, ppoly_i_E, ppoly_i_coefficients, &
CS%target_density, ppoly_degree, nz, h_col_new, z_col_new)

! Sweep down the interfaces and make sure that the interface is at least
! as deep as a nominal target z* grid
nominal_z = 0.
stretching = z_col(nz+1) / G%bathyT(i,j) * GV%m_to_H ! Stretches z* to z
stretching = z_col(nz+1) / depth ! Stretches z* to z
do k = 2, nz+1
nominal_z = nominal_z + CS%coordinateResolution(k-1) * stretching
z_col_new(k) = max( z_col_new(k), nominal_z )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1232,48 +1231,13 @@ subroutine build_grid_SLight( G, GV, h, tv, dzInterface, remapCS, CS )
type(remapping_CS), intent(in) :: remapCS !< Remapping control structure
type(regridding_CS), intent(in) :: CS !< Regridding control structure

! Local variables
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: T_col, S_col, p_col, rho_col ! Layer quantities
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: h_col ! A column of layer thicknesses on the original grid in H units.
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: T_f, S_f ! Filtered ayer quantities
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: z_col, z_col_new ! Interface positions relative to the surface in H units (m or kg m-2)
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: dz_col ! The realized change in z_col in H units (m or kg m-2)
logical, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: reliable ! If true, this interface is in a reliable position.
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: T_int, S_int ! Temperature and salinity interpolated to interfaces.
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: rho_tmp, drho_dp, p_IS, p_R
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: drhoIS_dT, drhoIS_dS
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: drhoR_dT, drhoR_dS
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: strat_rat
real :: H_to_cPa
real :: drIS, drR, Fn_now, I_HStol, Fn_zero_val
real :: z_int_unst
real :: dz ! A uniform layer thickness in very shallow water, in H.
real :: dz_ur ! The total thickness of an unstable region, in H.
real :: wgt, cowgt ! A weight and its complement, nondim.
real :: rho_ml_av ! The average potential density in a near-surface region, in kg m-3.
real :: H_ml_av ! A thickness to try to use in taking the near-surface average, in H.
real :: rho_x_z ! A cumulative integral of a density, in kg m-3 H.
real :: z_wt ! The thickness actually used in taking the near-surface average, in H.
real :: k_interior ! The (real) value of k where the interior grid starts.
real :: k_int2 ! The (real) value of k where the interior grid starts.
real :: z_interior ! The depth where the interior grid starts, in H.
real :: z_ml_fix ! The depth at which the fixed-thickness near-surface layers end, in H.
real :: dz_dk ! The thickness of layers between the fixed-thickness
! near-surface layars and the interior, in H.
real :: Lfilt ! A filtering lengthscale, in H.
logical :: maximum_depths_set ! If true, the maximum depths of interface have been set.
logical :: maximum_h_set ! If true, the maximum layer thicknesses have been set.
real :: k2_used, k2here, dz_sum, z_max
integer :: k2
real :: h_tr, b_denom_1, b1, d1 ! Temporary variables used by the tridiagonal solver.
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: c1 ! Temporary variables used by the tridiagonal solver.
integer :: kur1, kur2 ! The indicies at the top and bottom of an unreliable region.
integer :: kur_ss ! The index to start with in the search for the next unstable region.
integer :: i, j, k, nz, nkml
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: p_col ! Layer pressure in Pa
real :: depth
integer :: i, j, k, nz

nz = GV%ke
maximum_depths_set = allocated(CS%max_interface_depths)
maximum_h_set = allocated(CS%max_layer_thickness)

if (.not.CS%target_density_set) call MOM_error(FATAL, "build_grid_SLight : "//&
"Target densities must be set before build_grid_SLight is called.")
Expand All @@ -1282,16 +1246,17 @@ subroutine build_grid_SLight( G, GV, h, tv, dzInterface, remapCS, CS )
do j = G%jsc-1,G%jec+1 ; do i = G%isc-1,G%iec+1
if (G%mask2dT(i,j)>0.) then

! Copy T and S onto new variables so as to not alter the original values
! of T and S (these are remapped at the end of the regridding iterations
! once the final grid has been determined).

do k=1,nz
T_col(k) = tv%T(i,j,k) ; S_col(k) = tv%S(i,j,k)
h_col(k) = h(i,j,k)
depth = G%bathyT(i,j) * GV%m_to_H
z_col(1) = 0. ! Work downward rather than bottom up
do K=1,nz
z_col(K+1) = z_col(K) + h(i, j, k) ! Work in units of h (m or Pa)
p_col(k) = CS%ref_pressure + CS%compressibility_fraction * &
( 0.5 * ( z_col(K) + z_col(K+1) ) * GV%H_to_Pa - CS%ref_pressure )

call build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_col_new)
call build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, tv%eqn_of_state, GV%H_to_Pa, GV%m_to_H, &
GV%H_subroundoff, nz, depth, &
h(i, j, :), tv%T(i, j, :), tv%S(i, j, :), p_col, z_col, z_col_new)

! Calculate the final change in grid position after blending new and old grids
call filtered_grid_motion( CS, nz, z_col, z_col_new, dz_col )
Expand All @@ -1311,28 +1276,31 @@ subroutine build_grid_SLight( G, GV, h, tv, dzInterface, remapCS, CS )

end subroutine build_grid_SLight

subroutine build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_col_new)
subroutine build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, H_to_Pa, m_to_H, H_subroundoff, &
nz, depth, h_col, T_col, S_col, p_col, z_col, z_col_new)
type(regridding_CS), intent(in) :: CS !< Regridding control structure
type(remapping_CS), intent(in) :: remapCS !< Remapping parameters and options
type(EOS_type), pointer :: eqn_of_state !< Equation of state structure
real, intent(in) :: H_to_Pa !< GV%H_to_Pa
real, intent(in) :: m_to_H !< GV%m_to_H
real, intent(in) :: H_subroundoff !< GV%H_subroundoff
integer, intent(in) :: nz !< Number of levels
real, intent(in) :: depth !< Depth of ocean bottom (positive in m)
real, dimension(nz), intent(in) :: T, S !< T and S for column
real, dimension(nz), intent(in) :: h !< Layer thicknesses, in m
real, dimension(nz), intent(in) :: T_col, S_col !< T and S for column
real, dimension(nz), intent(in) :: h_col !< Layer thicknesses, in m
real, dimension(nz), intent(in) :: p_col !< Layer quantities
real, dimension(nz+1), intent(in) :: z_col !< Interface positions relative to the surface in H units (m or kg m-2)
real, dimension(nz+1), intent(inout) :: z_col_new !< Absolute positions of interfaces

! Local variables
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: T_col, S_col, p_col, rho_col ! Layer quantities
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: h_col ! A column of layer thicknesses on the original grid in H units.
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: T_f, S_f ! Filtered ayer quantities
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: z_col, z_col_new ! Interface positions relative to the surface in H units (m or kg m-2)
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: dz_col ! The realized change in z_col in H units (m or kg m-2)
logical, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: reliable ! If true, this interface is in a reliable position.
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: T_int, S_int ! Temperature and salinity interpolated to interfaces.
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: rho_tmp, drho_dp, p_IS, p_R
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: drhoIS_dT, drhoIS_dS
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: drhoR_dT, drhoR_dS
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: strat_rat
real, dimension(nz) :: rho_col ! Layer quantities
real, dimension(nz) :: T_f, S_f ! Filtered ayer quantities
logical, dimension(nz+1) :: reliable ! If true, this interface is in a reliable position.
real, dimension(nz+1) :: T_int, S_int ! Temperature and salinity interpolated to interfaces.
real, dimension(nz+1) :: rho_tmp, drho_dp, p_IS, p_R
real, dimension(nz+1) :: drhoIS_dT, drhoIS_dS
real, dimension(nz+1) :: drhoR_dT, drhoR_dS
real, dimension(nz+1) :: strat_rat
real :: H_to_cPa
real :: drIS, drR, Fn_now, I_HStol, Fn_zero_val
real :: z_int_unst
Expand All @@ -1355,26 +1323,21 @@ subroutine build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_
real :: k2_used, k2here, dz_sum, z_max
integer :: k2
real :: h_tr, b_denom_1, b1, d1 ! Temporary variables used by the tridiagonal solver.
real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: c1 ! Temporary variables used by the tridiagonal solver.
real, dimension(nz) :: c1 ! Temporary variables used by the tridiagonal solver.
integer :: kur1, kur2 ! The indicies at the top and bottom of an unreliable region.
integer :: kur_ss ! The index to start with in the search for the next unstable region.
integer :: i, j, k, nz, nkml
integer :: i, j, k, nkml

z_col(1) = 0. ! Work downward rather than bottom up
do K=1,nz
z_col(K+1) = z_col(K) + h_col(k) ! Work in units of h (m or Pa)
p_col(k) = CS%ref_pressure + CS%compressibility_fraction * &
( 0.5 * ( z_col(K) + z_col(K+1) ) * GV%H_to_Pa - CS%ref_pressure )
maximum_depths_set = allocated(CS%max_interface_depths)
maximum_h_set = allocated(CS%max_layer_thickness)

if (z_col(nz+1) - z_col(1) < nz*CS%min_thickness) then
! This is a nearly massless total depth, so distribute the water evenly.
dz = (z_col(nz+1) - z_col(1)) / real(nz)
do K=2,nz ; z_col_new(K) = z_col(1) + dz*real(K-1) ; enddo

call calculate_density(T_col, S_col, p_col, rho_col, 1, nz, &

! Find the locations of the target potential densities, flagging
! locations in apparently unstable regions as not reliable.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1412,7 +1375,7 @@ subroutine build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_
if (kur2 < kur1) call MOM_error(FATAL, "Bad unreliable range.")

dz_ur = z_col_new(kur2+1) - z_col_new(kur1-1)
! drho = CS%target_density(kur2+1) - CS%target_density(kur1-1)
! drho = CS%target_density(kur2+1) - CS%target_density(kur1-1)
! Perhaps reset the wgt and cowgt depending on how bad the old interface
! locations were.
wgt = 1.0 ; cowgt = 0.0 ! = 1.0-wgt
Expand All @@ -1425,7 +1388,7 @@ subroutine build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_
! Determine which interfaces are in the s-space region and the depth extent
! of this region.
z_wt = 0.0 ; rho_x_z = 0.0
H_ml_av = GV%m_to_H*CS%Rho_ml_avg_depth
H_ml_av = m_to_H*CS%Rho_ml_avg_depth
do k=1,nz
if (z_wt + h_col(k) >= H_ml_av) then
rho_x_z = rho_x_z + rho_col(k) * (H_ml_av - z_wt)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1460,21 +1423,21 @@ subroutine build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_
z_interior = (K-k_interior)*z_col_new(K-1) + (1.0+(k_interior-K))*z_col_new(K)

if (CS%fix_haloclines) then
! ! Identify regions above the reference pressure where the chosen
! ! potential density significantly underestimates the actual
! ! stratification, and use these to find a second estimate of
! ! z_int_unst and k_interior.
! ! Identify regions above the reference pressure where the chosen
! ! potential density significantly underestimates the actual
! ! stratification, and use these to find a second estimate of
! ! z_int_unst and k_interior.

if (CS%halocline_filter_length > 0.0) then
Lfilt = CS%halocline_filter_length*GV%m_to_H
Lfilt = CS%halocline_filter_length*m_to_H

! Filter the temperature and salnity with a fixed lengthscale.
h_tr = h_col(1) + GV%H_subroundoff
h_tr = h_col(1) + H_subroundoff
b1 = 1.0 / (h_tr + Lfilt) ; d1 = h_tr * b1
T_f(1) = (b1*h_tr)*T_col(1) ; S_f(1) = (b1*h_tr)*S_col(1)
do k=2,nz
c1(k) = Lfilt * b1
h_tr = h_col(k) + GV%H_subroundoff ; b_denom_1 = h_tr + d1*Lfilt
h_tr = h_col(k) + H_subroundoff ; b_denom_1 = h_tr + d1*Lfilt
b1 = 1.0 / (b_denom_1 + Lfilt) ; d1 = b_denom_1 * b1
T_f(k) = b1 * (h_tr*T_col(k) + Lfilt*T_f(k-1))
S_f(k) = b1 * (h_tr*S_col(k) + Lfilt*S_f(k-1))
Expand All @@ -1489,23 +1452,23 @@ subroutine build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_
T_int(1) = T_f(1) ; S_int(1) = S_f(1)
do K=2,nz
T_int(K) = 0.5*(T_f(k-1) + T_f(k)) ; S_int(K) = 0.5*(S_f(k-1) + S_f(k))
p_IS(K) = z_col(K) * GV%H_to_Pa
p_IS(K) = z_col(K) * H_to_Pa
p_R(K) = CS%ref_pressure + CS%compressibility_fraction * ( p_IS(K) - CS%ref_pressure )
T_int(nz+1) = T_f(nz) ; S_int(nz+1) = S_f(nz)
p_IS(nz+1) = z_col(nz+1) * GV%H_to_Pa
p_IS(nz+1) = z_col(nz+1) * H_to_Pa
call calculate_density_derivs(T_int, S_int, p_IS, drhoIS_dT, drhoIS_dS, 2, nz-1, &
call calculate_density_derivs(T_int, S_int, p_R, drhoR_dT, drhoR_dS, 2, nz-1, &
if (CS%compressibility_fraction > 0.0) then
call calculate_compress(T_int, S_int, p_R, rho_tmp, drho_dp, 2, nz-1, &
do K=2,nz ; drho_dp(K) = 0.0 ; enddo
H_to_cPa = CS%compressibility_fraction*GV%H_to_Pa

H_to_cPa = CS%compressibility_fraction*H_to_Pa
strat_rat(1) = 1.0
do K=2,nz
drIS = drhoIS_dT(K) * (T_f(k) - T_f(k-1)) + &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1562,14 +1525,13 @@ subroutine build_slight_column(CS, remapCS, eqn_of_state, nz, depth, h, T, S, z_
! This should be unnecessary.
z_int_unst = z_col_new(nz+1) ; k_int2 = real(nz+1)

! Now take the larger values.
if (k_int2 > k_interior) then
k_interior = k_int2 ; z_interior = z_int_unst

endif ! fix_haloclines

z_col_new(1) = 0.0
Expand Down

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