Based on "Deep Photo Style Transfer". Amended (Now heavily amended) from here. PLEASE NOTE RESTRICTIONS ON USAGE OF ORIGINAL CODE.
- Dockerised for ease of installing.
- Matting Laplacian calculations are faster than original MATLAB code.
- No dependency on MATLAB.
- Adpoted newer neural sytle codebase, adding new features - including multi-GPU.
- Consistent image scaling is managed automatically, rather than having to manually rescale images.
- No longer a requirement to use particular filenames and directories.
Build this image using something like:
docker build -t deep_photo .
To run the container you'll need recent nvidia drivers installed and nvidia-docker (from here: Then run something like:
nvidia-docker run -it --name deep_photo deep_photo
python3 <options>
usage: [-h] [-content_image CONTENT_IMAGE]
[-content_seg CONTENT_SEG] [-style_image STYLE_IMAGE]
[-style_blend_weights STYLE_BLEND_WEIGHTS]
[-style_seg STYLE_SEG] [-laplacian LAPLACIAN]
[-output_image OUTPUT_IMAGE] [-image_size IMAGE_SIZE]
[-gpu GPU] [-multigpu_strategy MULTIGPU_STRATEGY]
[-content_weight CONTENT_WEIGHT]
[-style_weight STYLE_WEIGHT] [-tv_weight TV_WEIGHT]
[-num_iterations NUM_ITERATIONS] [-init {random,image}]
[-init_image INIT_IMAGE] [-optimizer {lbfgs,adam}]
[-learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
[-lbfgs_num_correction LBFGS_NUM_CORRECTION]
[-print_iter PRINT_ITER] [-save_iter SAVE_ITER]
[-style_scale STYLE_SCALE] [-original_colors {0,1}]
[-pooling {max,avg}] [-proto_file PROTO_FILE]
[-model_file MODEL_FILE] [-backend {nn,cudnn,clnn}]
[-cudnn_autotune] [-seed SEED]
[-content_layers CONTENT_LAYERS]
[-style_layers STYLE_LAYERS] [-lambda PHOTO_LAMBDA]
[-patch PATCH] [-eps EPS] [-f_radius F_RADIUS]
[-f_edge F_EDGE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-content_image CONTENT_IMAGE
content image location
-content_seg CONTENT_SEG
content segmentation location
-style_image STYLE_IMAGE
style image locations
-style_blend_weights STYLE_BLEND_WEIGHTS
style image blending weights
-style_seg STYLE_SEG style segmentation locations
-laplacian LAPLACIAN laplacian file location
-output_image OUTPUT_IMAGE
output image name
-image_size IMAGE_SIZE
Maximum height / width of generated image
-gpu GPU GPU indices
-multigpu_strategy MULTIGPU_STRATEGY
multi-GPU layer splits
-content_weight CONTENT_WEIGHT
content weight
-style_weight STYLE_WEIGHT
style weight
-tv_weight TV_WEIGHT tv weight
-num_iterations NUM_ITERATIONS
-init {random,image} initialisation type
-init_image INIT_IMAGE
initial image
-optimizer {lbfgs,adam}
-learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
learning rate (adam only)
-lbfgs_num_correction LBFGS_NUM_CORRECTION
lbfgs num correction
-print_iter PRINT_ITER
print interval
-save_iter SAVE_ITER save interval
-style_scale STYLE_SCALE
style scale
-original_colors {0,1}
use original colours
-pooling {max,avg} pooling type
-proto_file PROTO_FILE
VGG 19 proto file location
-model_file MODEL_FILE
VGG 19 model file location
-backend {nn,cudnn,clnn}
-cudnn_autotune cudnn autotune flag
-seed SEED random number seed
-content_layers CONTENT_LAYERS
VGG 19 content layers
-style_layers STYLE_LAYERS
VGG 19 style layers
-lambda PHOTO_LAMBDA photorealism weight
-patch PATCH matting patch size
-eps EPS matting epsilon
-f_radius F_RADIUS f radius
-f_edge F_EDGE f edge
Using images and masks in the examples directory. Assumes 2 GPUs, but can be changed to one (or more for that matter) easily.
Example #7 from @luanfujun repo. Results are not identical, but then neither is the process...
python3 -content_image examples/waterfront.png -content_seg examples/waterfront_seg.png -style_image examples/city_night.png -style_seg examples/city_night_seg.png -laplacian examples/waterfront700.csv -output_image examples/waterfront_city_night.png -image_size 700 -gpu 0,1 -multigpu_strategy 8
Multi-style image example
python3 -content_image examples/vase.png -content_seg examples/vase_seg.png -style_image examples/fire.png,examples/glass.png -style_seg examples/fire_seg.png,examples/glass_seg.png -laplacian examples/vase700.csv -output_image examples/test.png -image_size 700 -gpu 0,1 -multigpu_strategy 8