Integrate AirBrake into an angular.js application
bower install ng-helper-airbrake --save
Ensure that the dependency entry comes directly after the angular dependency. Are you not sure? Check & modify the bower.json.
angular.module('appApp', [
Airbrake requires a project id and secret. This can be configured via the application config function as follows:
.config([ '$airbrakeProvider', function($airbrakeProvider) {
// configure airbrake
$airbrakeProvider.setProject('<<PROJECTID>>', '<<PROJECTSECRET>>', '<<EnvironmentOptional>>');
// configure host (optional step for self hosted environments)
The Airbrake plugin is not available as long the setProject method is not called. Only when this method is called exception will be catched from the subsystem.
.run([ '$airbrake', function($airbrake) {
// add custom context
$airbrake.setCustomContext({custom1: "context1", custom2: "context2" });
You can add optional custom information to the error context via the setCustomContext function.
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :)