For more information about NextReports Server see the product page link.
- Git
- JDK 7 (test with
java -version
) - Apache Ant (test with
ant -version
- create a local clone of this repository (with
git clone
) - go to project's folder (with
cd nextreports-server
) - build the artifacts (with
ant clean release
After above steps a folder artifacts is created and all goodies are in that folder.
It's very simple to run the nextreports-server. First, you must build the project using above steps. After building process go to dist folder and replace some variables:
in ./etc/jetty.xml (for example you can replace this variable with 8081)@reportsHome@
in ./contexts/reports.xml (for example you can replace this variable with reports)
Execute the script:
- run.bat (for windows)
- (for linux/unix)
Start an internet browser immediately after the server starts (it displays in command prompt something like "Started [email protected]:8081") and type http://localhost:@httpPort@/nextreports-server
(for example http://localhost:8081/nextreports-server).
In login page enter the default username and password: admin as username and 1 as password.
NextReports Server comes with some web services that allows other applications to interact with the server using a simple API on following levels:
- storage level: list reports, charts, folders, data sources; create folders; publish reports, charts and data sources; download reports and charts (these methods are also used by NextReports Designer)
- process level: run reports on the server from your proprietary applications with your specific parameters values
In your pom.xml you must define the dependencies to nextreports-server-clients artifacts with:
where ${nextreports-server-client.version} is the last nextreports-server-client version.
You may want to check for the latest released version using Maven Search