Project root contains 5 super-projects which can hold N-projects with desired semantics:
- apps (Web Apps - apis or frontends)
- libs (standalone code)
- services (crud, etc)
- consumers (bridges, e.g. nats, which may proxy a service call)
- nxcd-types (input/outputs & service interfaces)
super-projects will work like a namespace prefix, like when publishing a library as @types/node.
monolith -> apps -> consumers -> services -> libs -> nxcd-types
As a rule of thumb, a project
- Can Depend on another project of the super-project. E.g. libs/nxcd-express -> [libs/nxcd-log, libs/nxcd-util]
- Can not depend on a project declared on a super-project on the left. E.g., nxcd-types/internal cannot depend on libs/nxcd-logs
- Can not have cycles. If A depends on B, B must not depend on A. Should the need arises, project C will have to be created to mediate shared dependencies
tsconfig.json ---> Depends on nxcd-types, libs/nxcd-express, consumers
index.ts ---> Web App1 Entry Point (run as separate process)
boot.ts ---> Web App1 Bootstrapper (called by index & monolith)
tsconfig.json ---> Depends on nxcd-types, libs/nxcd-express, consumers, services
index.ts ---> Web App2 Entry Point (run as separate process)
boot.ts ---> Web App2 Bootstrapper (called by index & monolith)
tsconfig.json ---> Depends on everything
index.ts ---> Boots Both App1 & App2 in a single process (binding to &, resp)
tsconfig.json ---> Depends on nxcd-util & nxcd-log
/consumer-02 ---> Depends on nxcd-util & nxcd-log
tsconfig.json ---> Depends on nxcd-util & nxcd-log & nxcd-types/internal
mongo-impl.ts ---> Mongo impl of AccountService Interface
inmem-impl.ts ---> Mocked (in mem) impl of AccountService Interface
index.ts ---> Factory. Exposes only AccountService interface
nxcd-util ---> No dependencies
nxcd-express ---> Depends on log & nxcd-types/internal
nxcd-log ---> No dependencies
tsconfig.json ---> No Dependencies!
index.ts ---> Private domain: Configurations, Intra-Service communication, etc
/tsconfig.json ---> No Dependencies!
index.ts |
requests.ts |==> Public domain: Known by External Clients
responses.ts |
npm i
npm run build
node dist/apps/monolith/index.js
# App1 - unprotected
curl -XGET http://localhost:3000/now
# App2 - requires ApiKey
curl --header "ApiKey:42" -XGET http://localhost:3001/now
Make sure *Debug Current File* is selected on *RUN AND DEBUG*
Press F5 file (e.g. apps/app-01/main.ts)
Make sure *Debug Current Jest Test* is selected on *RUN AND DEBUG*
Press F5 file (e.g. libs/nxcd-util/tests/utilities.spec.ts)
Make sure *Launch All Tests* is selected on *RUN AND DEBUG*
Press F5
To avoid relative paths in source code, every project's tsconfig.json must declare aliases pointing to each super-project associated with project references.
E.g., for app-01, which depends on (nxcd-express, consumer-01, consumer-02)
"extends": "../../tsconfig-base.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "../../dist/node_modules/@apps/app-01",
"rootDir": ".",
"references": [
"path": "../../libs/nxcd-express"
"path": "../../consumers/consumer-01"
"path": "../../consumers/consumer-02"
tsconfig.json must be changed to
"extends": "../../tsconfig-base.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "../../dist/node_modules/@apps/app-01",
"rootDir": ".",
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@libs/*": ["../../libs/*"],
"@consumers/*" : ["../../consumers/*"],
"@nxcd-types/*" : ["../../nxcd-types/*"]
"references": [
"path": "../../libs/nxcd-express"
"path": "../../consumers/consumer-01"
"path": "../../consumers/consumer-02"
With this config we can declare
import { requireApiKey } from '@libs/nxcd-express/middlewares/auth'
import { inMem, asApiKeyValidator } from '@services/accounts'
import { ServiceAccount, AccountStatus, Permission } from '@nxcd-types/internal/account'
In order to aliasing work flawlessly, there's a bit of a hack and conventions:
- Aliases for each 'super-project' must be the same in all declarations. E.g., do not use '@nxcd-types/(.+)': '/nxcd-libs/$1' in one project and '@my-types/(.+)': '/nxcd-libs/$1' in another
- Transpilation must place .js files in dist/node_modules/@/project. Why? Because node will always magically resolve stuff in node_modules :). Well, actually when projects are transpiled, the paths information is kind of ignored and the javascript output misses the relative path info and fails.
With this convention the final output becomes:
When running jest (from either debug or npm run test), it only reads the tsconfig.json from the root directory. In order to aliasing work, all super-projects must be mapped in the root tsconfig.json:
"extends": "./tsconfig-base.json",
"files": [],
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/*": ["*"],
"@/tests/*": ["./tests/*"],
"@libs/*": ["libs/*"],
"@nxcd-types/*": ["nxcd-types/*"],
"@services/*": ["services/*"],
"@consumers/*": ["consumers/*"],
However, this only resolves part of the problem: Aliasing in jest will work only if project dependencies are on the same super-project.
E.g. when running
We get
Jest was unable to load a dependency in another super-project (@libs). To cope with this scenario we are forced to declare a custom jest config with moduleNameMapper for dependencies in other super-projects.
// consumers/consumer-01/jest.config.js module.exports = { displayName: { name: 'consumer-01', color: 'red', }, collectCoverageFrom: [ '/**/*.ts', '!/apps/**/*.ts' ], coverageDirectory: 'coverage', coverageProvider: 'babel', testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/', '/dist/' ], roots: [ '/' ], transform: { '\\.ts$': 'ts-jest' }, moduleNameMapper: { "@libs/(.+)$": "/../../libs/$1" }, clearMocks: true, verbose: true }
However the root jest.config.js is unaware of this, which forces the use of projects property:
// ./jest.config.js module.exports = { ... clearMocks: true, projects: [ '/consumers/consumer-01/', ] }
When issuing npm run test
from the root we get
Voilà! Oh wait, just 1 test? What happened to the others?
The thing is, once projects is declared, jest will ignore the rest of the universe. This forces us to declare all projects containing test cases in the root jest.config.js:
// ./jest.config.js module.exports = { ... clearMocks: true, projects: [ '/libs/nxcd-express/', '/libs/nxcd-log/', '/libs/nxcd-util/', '/consumers/consumer-01/', ] }
And each project must have a jest.config.js of their own, otherwise other nasty things will happen. With this setup we finally get: