MetaCurious is a frontend for Brainspell.
This app features
- Vue.js - a frontend framework
- Webpack - a tool to bundle your files
- vue-router - client-side routing
- Axios - a library to call your REST api
- vue-bootstrap which adds Twitter bootstrap v4 styling to the site
- Authentication with GitHub
First make sure you have npm
and node.js
Next, clone the boilerplate from GitHub:
git clone
Then install all npm
cd brainspell-neo-frontend/brainspell
npm install
To run the app, do:
npm run dev
And navigate to http://localhost:8080 (or wherever npm starts the server). As you make changes to your app, the browser will reload so you don't have to keep refreshing the page.
We 💛 new contributors! To get started, check out our contributing guidelines.
This repository is a duplicate of akeshavan/brainspell-neo-frontend
, created at 860ae2edb8f2de0d2dfba3e67942755cafef5398
was started at the Code Rodeo hackathon in Austin, Texas back in January 2019. It was developed primarily by Anisha Keshavan, who has since left academia for industry, as well as Katherine Bottenhorn, Elizabeth DuPre, and Jean-Baptiste Poline, among others. This version of the repository is focused on developing a study annotation and curation web app for the NeuroStore database.