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Arc Palette

Arc Palette is a community-developed application that applies advanced gradient effects to spaces in the Arc browser.


IMPORTANT: Arc must be closed for changes to take effect. So, either use auto restart or close Arc, apply the theme then reopen Arc


In order to install Arc Palette, simply follow these steps:

Simple Installation (recommended)

This is the easy version of the installation for users that are not experienced with applications such as Command Prompt or Powershell.

Check the Releases tab and find your respective executable (where ARCH is the architecture of your machine):

  • Windows: Arc_Palette-ARCH.exe
  • Mac: Arc_Palette-ARCH.dmg (contains the Arc executable)
  • Linux: (not supported at this time)

Place the executable where you want (this does not have to be in the arc folder).

Then, just run the executable (double click on it).

Script Installation (not recommended)

While this still works for now, it's not recommended now that proper executables are built for each release.

Location of installer scripts:

  • Windows: .\scripts\Win\installer\FULL_SETUP_arc_palette.bat
  • Mac: ./scripts/Mac/installer/FULL_SETUP_arc_palette.command (note, if you want to run this script in the terminal, run chmod +x on the script first)
  • Linux: (not supported at this time)

Place the script file where you want to install arc palette (this does not have to be in the arc folder).

Then, just run the script file (double click on it).

Advanced Installation (not recommended for nonprogrammers)

This is version of the installation for more advanced users who know what they are doing when it comes to applications such as Command Prompt and Powershell.

NOTE: Mac users, if you don't already have git installed, you will be prompted to install Xcode, which contains the git program.

  1. Download this GitHub repository as a zip and right-click to extract it, or clone it with the commands below:

    git clone
    cd Arc_Palette
  2. Create a virtual environment:

    :: Windows only
    python -m venv .venv
    call .venv\Scripts\activate
    # Mac only
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate

Download as a zip and right-click to extract it inside the Arc_Palette folder (rename Arc_API-main folder to Arc_API), or clone it with the commands below:

git clone
  1. Install the required packages from requirements.txt and requirements-arc-api:

    :: Windows only
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -r requirements-win.txt
    pip install -r Arc_API\requirements-arc-api.txt
    # Mac only
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    pip3 install -r requirements-mac.txt
    pip3 install -r Arc_API/requirements-arc-api.txt


You can run the program by either executing the run_arc_palette script file or using Python in the terminal.

Location of scripts:

  • Windows: .\scripts\Win\run_arc_palette.bat
  • Mac: ./scripts/Mac/run_arc_palette.command (note, if you want to run this script in the terminal, run chmod +x on the script first)

Using Python in the terminal:

REM Windows only
call .venv\Scripts\activate
# Mac only
source .venv/bin/activate

Advanced Build executables

If you wish to compile the executables yourself, there are scripts with the pyinstaller command already setup.

However, you must make sure that you've already done a full setup, either from Script Installation or from Advanced Installation.

Then, run the respective script file for building the executable:

  • Windows: scripts\Win\build\BUILD_BINARY_WINDOWS.ps1
  • note, if you want to run this script in the terminal, run: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\scripts\Win\build\BUILD_BINARY_WINDOWS.ps1
  • Mac: scripts/Mac/build/BUILD_BINARY_MAC.command
  • note, if you want to run this script in the terminal, run: chmod +x scripts/Mac/build/BUILD_BINARY_MAC.command; ./scripts/Mac/build/BUILD_BINARY_MAC.command

After it completes, if successful, there should be a dist folder created with the executable inside (where ARCH is the architecture of your machine):

  • Windows: dist\Arc_Palette-ARCH.exe
  • Mac: dist/Arc_Palette-ARCH.dmg (contains the Arc executable)


  • Studio Movie Girl - Lead Developer and Creator - neurokitti

  • ash.meow - Backend Developer (JSON Support) - [No GitHub Profile]

  • Valkryx - Frontend Developer - valk_ryx

  • Andrew Larson - Hobbyist Developer + ngl the most usfull person here - Andrew-J-Larson