This is Icinga dockerized with smokeping and munin. All configuration is controlled by a single (nag.xml) file.
- notepad like web editor for configuration with xml syntax highlighting
- nag.xml -> generate all configuration automatically (icinga, smokeping, munin)
- many icinga plugins already added
- custom smokeping config allowed
- custom icinga plugins allowed
- mattermost notification
- sms notification
$ git clone
$ cd deploy/docker-compose
$ mkdir data
$ cp -va ../../content/usr/local/config.sample data/config
$ cp .env.sample .env
# edit .env and data/config/* files correctly
$ ./
CI/CD will automatically build, test and push new images to container registries. Currently, the following registries are supported:
- just edit nag.xml (on server side or at NMS_URL)
- htpasswd.users
Default account: admin / admin
htpasswd -m htpasswd.users [username]
htpasswd -D htpasswd.users [username]
- TASMOTA: Munin graph
- MUNIN -> Munin graph
- HTTP -> Smokeping graph
- HTTPS -> Smokeping graph
- DNS -> Smokeping graph
- SSH -> Smokeping graph
- hosts
- htpasswd.users
- icinga.conf.d/
- icinga_plugins/
- icinga_plugins_config/
- smokeping.conf.d/
- ssh/
- ssl.certs.conf.d/
- pgpass
On config change need to trigger services to restart.
Just override with your own.
Just add your user to a_icingaadmin alertgroup.
- online demo
- screenshots
- upgrade to icinga2
- upgrade to munin3
- host config backup