chore: add storybook links to readme fdb13ad
fix: add mouseup listener to doucment to allow mouseup outside browser without slider position sticking to pointer position on rentry 69541ed
fix: pass percentage slider position to onPositionChange callback 969abbb
Merge branch 'master' of 2d5c77d
fix: remove mousemove handler from container to prevent onPositionChange being called twice 2ce0840
fix: touch devices - allow pointer to leave container and continue dragging while pointer is down 9488766
feat: allow pointer to leave container and continue dragging while pointer is down c5d6dfd
chore: update readme 441ad38
perf: refactor code into reusable hooks 684c8b3
chore: use stricter eslint config for precommit, disable noUnusedLocals, handle unused locals with eslint b104f14
docs: make intro link target blank to force storybook to not prepend current url 1adbd36
docs: merge storybook branch 5f1935a
docs: update link to license in intro doc bcb8307
build: consistent naming for build scripts be1c24c
chore: upgrade example deps 51d95b9
docs: configure storybook to show story code 2af3fef
Merge pull request #3 from nerdyman/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/handlebars-4.5.3 1f978fb
build(deps): bump handlebars from 4.1.2 to 4.5.3 9ee6f72
chore: replace custom docs webpack setup with storybook preset, add more docs pages b033737
chore: add basic storybook docs set up a2b018d
chore: upgrade workflow node version, rename build step a531116
chore: add badge links and requirements to readme b82ea17
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