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View Source: contracts/libraries/PolicyHelperV1.sol




struct CalculatePolicyFeeArgs {
 bytes32 coverKey,
 bytes32 productKey,
 uint256 coverDuration,
 uint256 amountToCover



function calculatePolicyFeeInternal(IStore s, struct PolicyHelperV1.CalculatePolicyFeeArgs args) public view
returns(policyFee struct IPolicy.CoverFeeInfoType)


Name Type Description
s IStore
args struct PolicyHelperV1.CalculatePolicyFeeArgs
Source Code
function calculatePolicyFeeInternal(IStore s, CalculatePolicyFeeArgs memory args) public view returns (IPolicy.CoverFeeInfoType memory policyFee) {
    (policyFee.floor, policyFee.ceiling) = getPolicyRatesInternal(s, args.coverKey);
    (uint256 availableLiquidity, uint256 commitment, uint256 reassuranceFund) = _getCoverPoolAmounts(s, args.coverKey, args.productKey);

    require(args.amountToCover > 0, "Please enter an amount");
    require(args.coverDuration > 0 && args.coverDuration <= ProtoUtilV1.MAX_POLICY_DURATION, "Invalid duration");
    require(policyFee.floor > 0 && policyFee.ceiling > policyFee.floor, "Policy rate config error");

    require(availableLiquidity - commitment > args.amountToCover, "Insufficient fund");

    policyFee.totalAvailableLiquidity = availableLiquidity + reassuranceFund;
    policyFee.utilizationRatio = (ProtoUtilV1.MULTIPLIER * (commitment + args.amountToCover)) / policyFee.totalAvailableLiquidity;

    // console.log("[sc] s: %s, p: %s, u: %s", availableLiquidity, reassuranceFund, policyFee.utilizationRatio);
    // console.log("[sc] c: %s, a: %s, t: %s", commitment, args.amountToCover, policyFee.totalAvailableLiquidity);

    policyFee.rate = policyFee.utilizationRatio > policyFee.floor ? policyFee.utilizationRatio : policyFee.floor;

    policyFee.rate = policyFee.rate + (args.coverDuration * 100);

    if (policyFee.rate > policyFee.ceiling) {
      policyFee.rate = policyFee.ceiling;

    uint256 expiryDate = CoverUtilV1.getExpiryDateInternal(block.timestamp, args.coverDuration); // solhint-disable-line
    uint256 effectiveFrom = getEODInternal(block.timestamp + s.getCoverageLagInternal(args.coverKey)); // solhint-disable-line
    uint256 daysCovered = BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.diffDays(effectiveFrom, expiryDate);

    policyFee.fee = (args.amountToCover * policyFee.rate * daysCovered) / (365 * ProtoUtilV1.MULTIPLIER);


function getPolicyFeeInternal(IStore s, struct PolicyHelperV1.CalculatePolicyFeeArgs args) public view
returns(fee uint256, platformFee uint256)


Name Type Description
s IStore
args struct PolicyHelperV1.CalculatePolicyFeeArgs
Source Code
function getPolicyFeeInternal(IStore s, CalculatePolicyFeeArgs memory args) public view returns (uint256 fee, uint256 platformFee) {
    IPolicy.CoverFeeInfoType memory coverFeeInfo = calculatePolicyFeeInternal(s, args);
    fee = coverFeeInfo.fee;

    uint256 rate = s.getUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_COVER_PLATFORM_FEE);
    platformFee = (fee * rate) / ProtoUtilV1.MULTIPLIER;


function _getCoverPoolAmounts(IStore s, bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey) private view
returns(availableLiquidity uint256, commitment uint256, reassuranceFund uint256)


Name Type Description
s IStore
coverKey bytes32
productKey bytes32
Source Code
function _getCoverPoolAmounts(
    IStore s,
    bytes32 coverKey,
    bytes32 productKey
    returns (
      uint256 availableLiquidity,
      uint256 commitment,
      uint256 reassuranceFund
    IPolicy.CoverPoolSummaryType memory summary = s.getCoverPoolSummaryInternal(coverKey, productKey);

    availableLiquidity = summary.totalAmountInPool;
    commitment = summary.totalCommitment;

    reassuranceFund = (summary.reassuranceAmount * summary.reassurancePoolWeight) / ProtoUtilV1.MULTIPLIER;

    if (s.supportsProductsInternal(coverKey)) {
      require(summary.productCount > 0, "Misconfigured or retired product");
      availableLiquidity = (summary.totalAmountInPool * summary.leverage * summary.productCapitalEfficiency) / (summary.productCount * ProtoUtilV1.MULTIPLIER);


function getPolicyRatesInternal(IStore s, bytes32 coverKey) public view
returns(floor uint256, ceiling uint256)


Name Type Description
s IStore
coverKey bytes32
Source Code
function getPolicyRatesInternal(IStore s, bytes32 coverKey) public view returns (uint256 floor, uint256 ceiling) {
    if (coverKey > 0) {
      floor = s.getUintByKeys(ProtoUtilV1.NS_COVER_POLICY_RATE_FLOOR, coverKey);
      ceiling = s.getUintByKeys(ProtoUtilV1.NS_COVER_POLICY_RATE_CEILING, coverKey);

    if (floor == 0) {
      // Fallback to default values
      floor = s.getUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_COVER_POLICY_RATE_FLOOR);
      ceiling = s.getUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_COVER_POLICY_RATE_CEILING);


function getCxTokenInternal(IStore s, bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey, uint256 coverDuration) public view
returns(cxToken address, expiryDate uint256)


Name Type Description
s IStore
coverKey bytes32
productKey bytes32
coverDuration uint256
Source Code
function getCxTokenInternal(
    IStore s,
    bytes32 coverKey,
    bytes32 productKey,
    uint256 coverDuration
  ) public view returns (address cxToken, uint256 expiryDate) {
    expiryDate = CoverUtilV1.getExpiryDateInternal(block.timestamp, coverDuration); // solhint-disable-line
    bytes32 k = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(ProtoUtilV1.NS_COVER_CXTOKEN, coverKey, productKey, expiryDate));

    cxToken = s.getAddress(k);


Gets the instance of cxToken or deploys a new one based on the cover expiry timestamp

function getCxTokenOrDeployInternal(IStore s, bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey, uint256 coverDuration) public nonpayable
returns(contract ICxToken)


Name Type Description
s IStore
coverKey bytes32 Enter the cover key
productKey bytes32
coverDuration uint256 Enter the number of months to cover. Accepted values: 1-3.
Source Code
function getCxTokenOrDeployInternal(
    IStore s,
    bytes32 coverKey,
    bytes32 productKey,
    uint256 coverDuration
  ) public returns (ICxToken) {
    (address cxToken, uint256 expiryDate) = getCxTokenInternal(s, coverKey, productKey, coverDuration);

    if (cxToken != address(0)) {
      return ICxToken(cxToken);

    ICxTokenFactory factory = s.getCxTokenFactory();
    string memory tokenName = _getCxTokenName(coverKey, productKey, expiryDate);

    cxToken = factory.deploy(coverKey, productKey, tokenName, expiryDate);

    return ICxToken(cxToken);


Returns month name of a given date

function _getMonthName(uint256 date) private pure


Name Type Description
date uint256
Source Code
function _getMonthName(uint256 date) private pure returns (bytes3) {
    bytes3[13] memory m = [bytes3(0), "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"];
    uint256 month = BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.getMonth(date);

    return m[month];


Returns cxToken name from the supplied inputs. Format: For basket cover pool product --> dex:uni:nov (cxUSD) For standalone cover pool --> bal:nov (cxUSD)

function _getCxTokenName(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey, uint256 expiry) private pure


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32
productKey bytes32
expiry uint256
Source Code
function _getCxTokenName(
    bytes32 coverKey,
    bytes32 productKey,
    uint256 expiry
  ) private pure returns (string memory) {
    bytes3 month = _getMonthName(expiry);

    if (productKey > 0) {
      return string(abi.encodePacked(string(abi.encodePacked(coverKey)), ":", string(abi.encodePacked(productKey)), ":", string(abi.encodePacked(month))));

    return string(abi.encodePacked(string(abi.encodePacked(coverKey)), ":", string(abi.encodePacked(month))));


Purchase cover for the specified amount.

When you purchase covers, you receive equal amount of cxTokens back. You need the cxTokens to claim the cover when resolution occurs. Each unit of cxTokens are fully redeemable at 1:1 ratio to the given stablecoins (like wxDai, DAI, USDC, or BUSD) based on the chain.

function purchaseCoverInternal(IStore s, uint256 policyId, struct IPolicy.PurchaseCoverArgs args) external nonpayable
returns(cxToken contract ICxToken, fee uint256, platformFee uint256)


Name Type Description
s IStore
policyId uint256
args struct IPolicy.PurchaseCoverArgs
Source Code
function purchaseCoverInternal(
    IStore s,
    uint256 policyId,
    IPolicy.PurchaseCoverArgs calldata args
    returns (
      ICxToken cxToken,
      uint256 fee,
      uint256 platformFee
    CalculatePolicyFeeArgs memory policyFeeArgs = CalculatePolicyFeeArgs({coverKey: args.coverKey, productKey: args.productKey, coverDuration: args.coverDuration, amountToCover: args.amountToCover});

    (fee, platformFee) = getPolicyFeeInternal(s, policyFeeArgs);
    require(fee > 0, "Insufficient fee");
    require(platformFee > 0, "Insufficient platform fee");

    address stablecoin = s.getStablecoinAddressInternal();
    require(stablecoin != address(0), "Cover liquidity uninitialized");

    IERC20(stablecoin).ensureTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), fee);
    IERC20(stablecoin).ensureTransfer(s.getVaultAddress(args.coverKey), fee - platformFee);
    IERC20(stablecoin).ensureTransfer(s.getTreasuryAddressInternal(), platformFee);

    uint256 stablecoinPrecision = s.getStablecoinPrecisionInternal();
    uint256 toMint = (args.amountToCover * ProtoUtilV1.CXTOKEN_PRECISION) / stablecoinPrecision;

    cxToken = getCxTokenOrDeployInternal(s, args.coverKey, args.productKey, args.coverDuration);, args.coverKey, args.productKey, args.onBehalfOf, toMint);



Gets the EOD (End of Day) time

function getEODInternal(uint256 date) public pure


Name Type Description
date uint256
Source Code
function getEODInternal(uint256 date) public pure returns (uint256) {
    (uint256 year, uint256 month, uint256 day) = BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.timestampToDate(date);
    return BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.timestampFromDateTime(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59);


Increases the "last policy id" and returns new id

function incrementPolicyIdInternal(IStore s) external nonpayable


Name Type Description
s IStore
Source Code
function incrementPolicyIdInternal(IStore s) external returns (uint256) {
    s.addUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_POLICY_LAST_PURCHASE_ID, 1);

    return s.getUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_POLICY_LAST_PURCHASE_ID);
