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Neo4j GraphGists are a way to share documents including Cypher queries. The queries can be executed in an online console. GraphGists can be used to share examples or ideas or outline a question you have.
For instructions on how to create your first graph gist, including an introductory video, make your way over to portal.graphgist.org. Once you've created your own graph gist, add it to the list below by editing this Wiki.
May Lim (@aprMAYYjun) authored this Graph of GraphGists GraphGist that takes many of the popular GraphGists and ranks them and tags them with domain and use case. This is a good place to start if you are new to GraphGists.
GraphGist Winter Challenge Submissions - Categories:
Find the best NoSQL distribution by @galliva
The Graph of Programming Languages by [@aniketalhat] (https://twitter.com/aniketalhat)
Organization Learning by [@luannem] (https://twitter.com/luannem)
Interpreting Citation Patterns in Academic Publications: A research aid by jjaderberg
Planning graph for schools by @TAuel
Learning Cypher with San Francisco Bay Map by Richard Kuo
Legislative System Graph by @yaravind
[Friends and Foes in the Middle East] (http://neo4j.com/graphgist/https%3A%2F%2Fgist.githubusercontent.com%2Frvanbruggen%2Fc82d0a68d32cf3067706%2Fraw%2Fe05fa4ff92c1822acac87593f058a06f0798f141%2FMiddle%2520East%2520GraphGist.adoc) by @rvanbruggen
Water Democracy, Liquid Democracy Graph by @emibloque
Make documents in a graph by @hazardj
Bank Fraud Detection by @kennybastani
Finance and Asset Management by [@rushugroup] (https://twitter.com/rushugroup)
Graphing our way through the ICIJ offshore jurisdiction data by [@hermansm] (https://twitter.com/hermansm)
How to use Neo4j to analyse the Offshore Leaks : the case of Azerbaijan by [@jvilledieu] (https://twitter.com/jvilledieu)
Options Trading As A Graph by @lyonwj
Credit Card Fraud Detection by @jvilledieu
Pharmaceutical Drugs and their Targets by [@joshkunken] (https://twitter.com/joshkunken)
Competitive Intelligence in Cancer Drug Discovery by [@livedataconcept] (https://twitter.com/livedataconcept)
Medicine & drugs classification for the Central Hospital of Asturias by @Roqueeeeee and @luigi9215
Plant classification database by @glesica
Plant explorer by @widged
Exploring cat pedigrees by @jankrag
DoctorFinder! by @fbiville on behalf of the kick-ass VIDAL team
What do great white sharks eat? by @jhpoelen of Global Biotic Interactions
Semantically Linking Cancer Models by @NuDataScientist
Christmas Gist - Supply Chain by @PascaleScheurer
Project Management by @_nicolemargaret
Car Manufacturers 2013 by @fernanvic1
Device manufacture trends by @shantaramw
Managing a (Product) Hierarchy by @rvanbruggen
[PSU 2014 Football Season] (http://neo4j.com/graphgist/8390148) by [@ChelseaHallinan] (https://twitter.com/ChelseaHallinan)
[Alpine Skiing seasons] (http://neo4j.com/graphgist/8019511) by [@pac_19] (https://twitter.com/pac_19)
[NBA Sneakers] (http://neo4j.com/graphgist/167380d216f082ee454b) by [@luisrodrigar] (https://twitter.com/luisrodrigar) and [@Sergio_Gijon] (https://twitter.com/Sergio_Gijon)
[F1 2012/2013 Season] (http://neo4j.com/graphgist/8371221) by [@el_astur] (https://twitter.com/el_astur)
[League of Legends eSports - LCS] (http://neo4j.com/graphgist/8493604) by [@SurrealAnalysis] (https://twitter.com/SurrealAnalysis)
Piping Water by @shaundaley1
QLAMRE: Quick Look at Mainstream Renewables Energies by @Sergio_Gijon
The graph of fire by @darthvader42
EPublishing: A graphical approach to digital publications by @deepeshk79
Master of Pancakes: Finding missing ingredients for recipes by @boggle
WineGraph by @ah3rz
Phone store by @xun91
Single Malt Scotch Whisky by @patbaumgartner
Soft Drinks by @fernanvic1
Food Recommendation by @gromajus
Reshipping Scam Detection by @jvilledieu
Network Dependency Graph by @kennybastani
Amazon Web Services Global Infrastructure Graph by @AIDANJCASEY
Tor Network Graph by @ESOUFY
Mobile Operators in India by [@rushugroup] (https://twitter.com/rushugroup)
Geoptima Event Log Collection Data Management by [@craigtaverner] (https://twitter.com/craigtaverner)
Information Flow Through a Network by [George Lesica] (https://twitter.com/@glesica) and William Lyon
Cyber security and attack analysis by [Jean Villedieu] (https://twitter.com/@jvilledieu)
[Uber vs. Lyft: Doing Evil with Graphs] (http://neo4j.com/graphgist/1c95e152849dc05cff77) by @kevinvangundy
Tokyo Metro Subway System by @joshkunken
Bombay Railway Routes by @luannem
Trekking and Mountaineering routing by @shantaramw
Asturias Highway Network by @DaniLebredo
Roads, Nodes and Automobiles by @tekiegirl
TransMilenio Rapid Bus Service by @neoecos
Untying the Graph Database Import Knot by @rvanbruggen
To play Tic Tac Toe ! with Cypher queries by [@SylvainRoussy] ()
Skip Lists in Cypher by @wefreema
Movie Recommendations with k-NN and Cosine Similarity by @_nicolemargaret
Small Social Networking Website by @RaulEstrada
Graph modelization of Neo4j internal storage by @geraudster
Automatic property-based schema and inheritance detection in Structr by @cmor_
People, books and cities by [@p3rnilla] (https://twitter.com/p3rnilla)
User, Functions, Applications, or "Slicing onion with an axe" by @karol_brejna
Mahabharata Characters and events by @shivswami
Christmas Drinks by @luannem
Using the graph to control unique id generation by @tekiegirl
Open Source Licensing Graph by @rvanbruggen
The Cure cypher examples by @laurentforet
Wikipedia Tries and Intellisense by @cskardon
Embedded Metamodel Subgraphs in the FactMiners Social-Game Ecosystem - Part 1 of 2 by @Jim_Salmons
Embedded Metamodel Subgraphs in the FactMiners Social-Game Ecosystem - Part 2 of 2 by @Jim_Salmons
Issue Tracking with Graphs by @SurrealAnalysis
Business Hours / Opening Hours Graph #1 (More verbose, More flexible) by @thomasf
Business Hours / Opening Hours Graph #2 (simpler approach) by @thomasf
Dem-O Bones are CONNECTED! by @rvanbruggen
HR analytics & finding candidates by [@jvilledieu] (https://twitter.com/jvilledieu)
Øredev Conference schedule as a graph by [@rvanbruggen] (https://twitter.com/rvanbruggen)
The GraphGist Challenge was run during September 2013 and had the following submissions:
Holiday Resorts by Raju Rama Krishna
Sports League by @yaravind
Learning Graph by jotomo
IKEA furniture Graph by @rvanbruggen
Enterprise Content Management Graph by [@PieterJanVA] (https://twitter.com/PieterJanVA)
US Flights & Airports by @_nicolemargaret
Chess Games and Positions by @wefreema
Why JIRA should use Neo4J by [@PieterJanVA] (https://twitter.com/PieterJanVA)
Mystery Science Theater 3000 Actors and Charactersby @virtualswede
Breaking Bad characters are interested in some products, let's see which are by @fforbeck
Ditching Grandma - Graphy Accounting by @ShaunDaley1
MotoGp Graph Gist by @ricshouse
[European Royalty] (http://neo4j.com/graphgist/7668617) by @frant_hartm
Product Catalog by @yaravind
A Simple Meta-Data Model by @perival
A very simple GraphGist
How to create a GraphGist - syntax examples
GraphDatabases Book Neo4j 2.0 Live examples
LaTeX math formulas in GraphGists
A gentle introduction to relational reasoning for customer-product discovery
** some from the Neo4j Manual*
TV Show Graph
RoleBasedAccess Control with reconciliation
Money laundering and fraud detection
OSCON - Conference Data Model
Business Rules / Recommendation
An insurance example
The Pinterest Follower Model
Last.fm dataset exploration
Network Management with Neo4j
Musicbrainz import into Neo4j
Shortest paths in orienteering
A simple node versioning scheme
Time Scale Event meta model
Subcategories and multi-language product tagging
Spot Market Arbitrage
The Publication Graph - Magazines, Issues, Content, Tags
Markov Chains
Courses and their dependencies
Ranked rule-based subgraph matching
Recruitment graph model
Social Network Graph Example from Diaspora
Community Graph Participants, Interests, Contributions, Events and Locations
Transforming Relational to Graph at TagShout by @rioeduardo
Business Rules / Recommendation
Recommendation and Time Scales
Movie recommendations based on User-Actor likes and Actor-Movie-play times
Random Result Order
Result Projection to JSON Documents by Robert Herschke @ etecture
Cypher Introduction with Movie Data
Upgrading Neoj4 1.9 to 2.0
Incrementing property values while traversing
Tree indexing structures with Neo4j 2.0 and labels
Ordered Container
Graph Modeling
Duplicate Detection in a Collection
Union and Intersection of bipartite networks
SO: Histograms of Publication Workflows
The Hobbit, or to Nodes and Back Again
The graph of all personal Neo4j Community T-Shirts
The StarWars universe
The Game of Thrones world of Westeros
A small graph of Belgian Beer
The Astérix GraphGist by @sfrechette
Pokémon X & Y
The Harry Potter world
The Belgian Sitcom Graph: Who's Hot in "Thuis"
Inspired by http://drunks-and-lampposts.com/2012/06/13/graphing-the-history-of-philosophy/
One Node Kant
One Label Philosopher
Plato Influences Aristotle
Influence within a School
Influence within a SchoolType
Influence within a SchoolTypeClass
Eras and Schools
[Exploring SQL Server Adventureworks schema] (http://neo4j.com/graphgist/a833d725392c5e710211)
"Tracking your home address with the help of your home devices" an application of Internet of Things
[track your home]by @sujeetpandey1
by (Kamal Murthy, [email protected])