Pasm is a PowerShell module for simple management of public IP address ranges provided by AWS. By simply following simple rules and creating YAML templates, you can keep up with IP range changes, deploy and synchronize resources. The currently supported resources are SecurityGroup, NetworkACL, and PrefixList.
Core | Desktop |
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Install the modules required to use Pasm.
Install-Module -Name PowerShell-Yaml, AWS.Tools.Installer -Scope CurrentUser
Install-AWSToolsModule -Name AWS.Tools.Common, AWS.Tools.EC2 -Scope CurrentUser
Set the AWS credential.
Set-AWSCredential -AccessKey <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> -SecretKey <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> -StoreAs default
Install Pasm with the following command.
Install-Module -Name Pasm -Scope CurrentUser
Pasm includes 6 functions.
Function | Description |
Invoke-PasmInitialize | Generate a working directory and a sample template. |
Invoke-PasmValidation | Parse the Yaml template to validate if it can be loaded. |
Invoke-PasmBlueprint | Based on the Yaml template, get the range of ip from ip-ranges.json and create a blueprint. |
Invoke-PasmDeployment | Read the blueprint and deploy resources. |
Invoke-PasmAutomation | Run the following in order: Invoke-PasmValidation , Invoke-PasmBlueprint , and Invoke-PasmDeployment |
Invoke-PasmCleanUp | Clean up the deployed resources. |
Invoke-PasmExport | Based on the Yaml template, get the range of ip from ip-ranges.json and create a simple csv for external use. |
The following are the default names. The function parameters FilePath
, and OutputFileName
allow you to override names.
Name | Description |
outline.yml | The user-controlled configuration file. You can use Invoke-PasmInitialize to generate and edit a template, or create one manually from scratch. |
blueprint.yml | The configuration file that Invoke-PasmBlueprint generates by interpreting the 'outline.yml'. The Rules section will be subdivided by IP range. |
There are few steps to follow.
A working directory will be created in the current directory and 'outline.yml' will be deployed as a sample template.
Invoke-PasmInitialize -Name 'Pasm'
BaseDirectory TemplateFile
------------- ------------
C:\Pasm outline.yml
If the target vpc and subnets already exists, overwrite VpcId
and AssociationSubnetId
$param = @{
VpcId = 'vpc-1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5'
SubnetId = 'subnet-zxcvasdfqwer12345', 'subnet-poiulkjhmnbv09876'
Invoke-PasmInitialize @param
Go to your working directory and edit 'outline.yml'.
Push-Location -LiteralPath 'Pasm'
code outline.yml
is implicitly called by Invoke-PasmBlueprint
in the next step, but can also be called by itself.
Invoke-PasmValidation -FilePath outline.yml
Validation started: outline.yml
Validation passed: Parent
Validation passed: Common
Validation passed: Resource
Validation passed: SecurityGroup 'test-sg-01' Parent
Validation passed: SecurityGroup 'test-sg-01' Rules
Validation passed: SecurityGroup 'test-sg-01' VpcId
Validation passed: NetworkAcl 'test-acl-01' Parent
Validation passed: NetworkAcl 'test-acl-01' Rules
Validation passed: NetworkAcl 'test-acl-01' VpcId
Validation passed: NetworkAcl 'test-acl-01' SubnetId
Validation passed: PrefixList 'test-pl-01' Parent
Validation passed: PrefixList 'test-pl-01' Rules
Validation passed: PrefixList 'test-pl-01' VpcId
Validation finished: outline.yml
Generate 'blueprint.yml' based on the settings in 'outline.yml'.
Invoke-PasmBlueprint -FilePath outline.yml -OutputFileName blueprint.yml
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 2021/10/05 00:00 99999 blueprint.yml
Deploy resources based on the settings in 'blueprint.yml'.
Invoke-PasmDeployment -FilePath blueprint.yml
ResourceType ResourceName ResourceId Action
------------ ------------ ---------- ------
SecurityGroup test-sg-01 sg-qaz741wsx852edc96 Create
NetworkAcl test-acl-01 acl-zaq123xsw456cde78 Create
PrefixList test-pl-01 pl-poilkjmnb159753az Create
Clean up the deployed resources. Force detach of associated resources. Skip requester-managed ENIs, as they cannot be detached.
Invoke-PasmCleanUp -FilePath blueprint.yml
ResourceType : SecurityGroup
ResourceName : test-sg-01
ResourceId : sg-0192837465qpwoeir
Detached : eni-q1e2a3d4z5cxvsfwr
Skipped : eni-w1r2s3f4x5vetdgcb
Action : Skip
ResourceType : NetworkAcl
ResourceName : test-acl-01
ResourceId : acl-e1t2d3g4c5bryfhvn
Detached : {subnet-q1z2x3w4e5cvrtbny, subnet-w1x2c3e4r5vbtynmu}
Skipped :
Action : CleanUp
ResourceType : PrefixList
ResourceName : test-pl-01
ResourceId : pl-a1d2s3f4d5gfhgjhk
Detached : {rtb-a1b2c3d4e5fghijkl, rtb-x1y2z3x4y5zxyzxyz, sg-1a2s3d4f5g6h7j890}
Skipped :
Action : CleanUp
Output to simple CSV for external use.
Invoke-PasmExport -FilePath outline.yml -OutputFileName output.csv
runs the following in order: Invoke-PasmValidation
, Invoke-PasmBlueprint
, and Invoke-PasmDeployment
Invoke-PasmAutomation -FilePath outline.yml -OutputFileName blueprint.yml
ResourceType ResourceName ResourceId Action
------------ ------------ ---------- ------
SecurityGroup test-sg-01 sg-qaz741wsx852edc96 Sync
NetworkAcl test-acl-01 acl-zaq123xsw456cde78 Sync
PrefixList test-pl-01 pl-poilkjmnb159753az Sync
You can execute the commands with aliases as follows.
# Invoke-PasmInitialize -Path 'C:\' -Name 'Pasm' -VpcId 'vpc-id' -SubnetId 'subnet-id-1', 'subnet-id-2'
psmi -p 'C:\' -n 'Pasm' -vpc 'your-vpc-id' -sbn 'your-subnet-id-1', 'your-subnet-id-2'
# Invoke-PasmValidation -FilePath 'C:\Pasm\outline.yml'
psmv -file 'C:\Pasm\outline.yml'
# Invoke-PasmBlueprint -FilePath 'C:\Pasm\outline.yml' -OutputFileName 'blueprint.yml'
psmb -file 'C:\Pasm\outline.yml' -out 'blueprint.yml'
# Invoke-PasmDeployment -FilePath 'C:\Pasm\blueprint.yml'
psmd -file 'C:\Pasm\blueprint.yml'
# Invoke-PasmAutomation -FilePath 'C:\Pasm\blueprint.yml' -OutputFileName 'blueprint.yml'
psma -file 'C:\Pasm\outline.yml' -out 'blueprint.yml'
# Invoke-PasmCleanUp -FilePath 'C:\Pasm\blueprint.yml'
psmc -file 'C:\Pasm\blueprint.yml'
# Invoke-PasmExport -FilePath 'C:\Pasm\outline.yml' -OutputFileName 'output.csv'
psme -file 'C:\Pasm\outline.yml' -out 'output.csv'
'outline.yml' will be deployed with comments. Please overwrite it according to your environment.
### sample template ###
Common: # required
Region: ap-northeast-1 # required - Cmdlet: (Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina -IncludeGovCloud).Region
ProfileName: default # required - Cmdlet: Get-AWSCredential -ProfileName $profileName
Resource: # required
SecurityGroup: # not-required - One of the following must be present: 'SecurityGroup','NetworkAcl', 'PrefixList'
- ResourceName: test-sg-01 # required
VpcId: vpc-00000000000000000 # required
MaxEntry: 60 # not-required - Range: 1-60
FlowDirection: Ingress # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.FlowDirection]
Description: test message # required
Rules: # required
- Id: 1 # required
ServiceKey: S3 # required - Cmdlet: Get-AWSPublicIpAddressRange -OutputServiceKeys
Region: # not-required - Cmdlet: (Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina -IncludeGovCloud).Region
- ap-northeast-1
IpFormat: # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.IpFormat]
- IPv4
Protocol: tcp # required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.Protocol]
FromPort: 80 # required - Range: 0-65535
ToPort: 80 # required - Range: 0-65535
- Id: 2
ServiceKey: S3
- ap-northeast-1
- IPv6
Protocol: tcp
FromPort: 443
ToPort: 443
NetworkAcl: # not-required - One of the following must be present: 'SecurityGroup','NetworkAcl', 'PrefixList'
- ResourceName: test-acl-01 # required
VpcId: vpc-00000000000000000 # required
MaxEntry: 20 # not-required - Range: 1-20
FlowDirection: Ingress # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.FlowDirection]
EphemeralPort: Default # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.EphemeralPort]
RuleNumber: # not-required
StartNumber: 100 # not-required - Range: 1-32766
Interval: 10 # not-required - Range: 1-10
AssociationSubnetId: # not-required
- subnet-00000000000000000 # not-required
- subnet-11111111111111111 # not-required
Rules: # required
- Id: 1 # required
ServiceKey: S3 # required - Cmdlet: Get-AWSPublicIpAddressRange -OutputServiceKeys
Region: # not-required - Cmdlet: (Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina -IncludeGovCloud).Region
- ap-northeast-1
IpFormat: # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.IpFormat]
- IPv4
Protocol: tcp # required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.Protocol]
FromPort: 80 # required - Range: 0-65535
ToPort: 80 # required - Range: 0-65535
- Id: 2
ServiceKey: S3
- ap-northeast-1
- IPv6
Protocol: tcp
FromPort: 443
ToPort: 443
PrefixList: # not-required - One of the following must be present: 'SecurityGroup','NetworkAcl', 'PrefixList'
- ResourceName: test-pl-01 # required
VpcId: vpc-00000000000000000 # required
MaxEntry: 30 # not-required - Range: 1-1000
AddressFamily: IPv4 # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.IpFormat]
Rules: # required
- Id: 1 # required
ServiceKey: S3 # required - Cmdlet: Get-AWSPublicIpAddressRange -OutputServiceKeys
Region: # not-required - Cmdlet: (Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina -IncludeGovCloud).Region
- ap-northeast-1
- Id: 2
ServiceKey: S3
- ap-northeast-2