Supports Jeedom through https API calls.
Based on
- Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
- Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-http-jeedom
- Update your configuration file. See sample-config.json in this repository for a sample.
List of available services (and configuration var): SwitchService -onCommandID -offCommandID -stateCommandID TemperatureService -temperatureCommandID HumidityService -humidityCommandID
- 'jeedom_url' ==> URL address of your Jeedom server
- 'jeedom_api' ==> Get your Jeedom API in "Configuration" in Jeedom
- 'xxxCommandID' ==> Unique ID of the command, available in the detail view of the command in Jeedom.
Configuration sample:
"accessories": [
"accessories": [
"accessory": "HttpJeedom",
"jeedom_url": "",
"jeedom_api": "x8r0pcqgjfghrthtx158",
"service": "TemperatureService",
"name": "Living Room Temperature",
"temperatureCommandID": "185"