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Nebius AI Cloud SDK for Go
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The Nebius AI Cloud SDK for Go is a comprehensive client library for interacting with services. Built on gRPC, it supports all APIs defined in the Nebius API repository. This SDK simplifies resource management, authorization, and communication with Nebius services, making it a valuable tool for developers.


Add the SDK to your Go project with the following command:

go get

To update to the latest version:

go get -u

Supported Go Versions

  • Minimum Supported Version: Go 1.22
  • The SDK is regularly tested against the latest Go release.

Getting Started

Follow this step-by-step guide to begin using the SDK.

Skip ahead to the Complete Example or explore Advanced Scenarios.

SDK Initialization

Initialize the SDK with appropriate options:

import ""

sdk, err := gosdk.New(ctx /*, option1, option2, option3 */)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("create gosdk: %w", err)
defer sdk.Close()

The gosdk.New constructor initializes the SDK. However, authorization is required for functionality. Use the gosdk.WithCredentials option to provide credentials.

To clean up resources properly, ensure you call Close when finished.

Find all available options in options.go (reference).

Authorization and Credentials

Authorization is handled by passing credentials via the gosdk.WithCredentials option. Commonly used credentials include gosdk.IAMToken and gosdk.ServiceAccountReader.

Find all available credentials in credentials.go (reference).

Using an IAM Token

The gosdk.IAMToken credentials allow you to use an IAM token directly for authorization. This approach is ideal for testing or tools used by end-users with their own credentials.

Here's an example of initializing the SDK with an IAM token stored in an environment variable:

token := os.Getenv("IAM_TOKEN")
sdk, err := gosdk.New(


  • The SDK does not automatically manage IAM token creation or refresh for user accounts.
  • Use the nebius CLI (documentation) to obtain an IAM token manually:
    IAM_TOKEN=$(nebius iam get-access-token)
  • Since tokens expire, this method requires manual token refreshes, making it less suitable for production environments.

Using a Service Account (Recommended)

Service account authorization is recommended for server-to-server communication and production use cases. This method eliminates the need for manual token management by securely handling IAM tokens in the background.

To authorize with a service account, provide the service account ID, public key ID, and RSA private key. The SDK uses these details to generate a JWT and exchange it for an IAM token. The token is automatically refreshed in the background to ensure continuous validity.

Use gosdk.ServiceAccount or gosdk.ServiceAccountReader with functions from auth/service_account.go.

Here are common approaches:

  1. Using a JSON Credentials File:

    import ""
    sdk, err := gosdk.New(
    				nil, // nil to use the real file system

    File format:

    	"subject-credentials": {
    		"alg": "RS256",
    		"private-key": "PKCS#8 PEM with new lines escaped as \n",
    		"kid": "public-key-id",
    		"iss": "service-account-id",
    		"sub": "service-account-id"
  2. Using a PEM-Encoded Private Key File:

    	nil, // nil to use the real file system
  3. Providing Key Content Directly:

    privateKey, _ := os.ReadFile("path/to/private_key.pem")

Resources and Operations

Nebius AI Cloud communicates via gRPC, with read operations such as Get and List returning protobuf messages that describe resources. Mutating operations like Create, Update, and Delete return an Operation object.

Operations can be either synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous operations are completed immediately, while asynchronous operations may take time to finish. To ensure an operation is fully completed, use the Wait method, which polls the operation status until it is done.

ℹ️ Note: If the operation fails, Wait will return an error.

Create Resource

The following example demonstrates how to create a compute instance and use Wait to verify the operation's success.

import common ""
import compute ""

instanceService := sdk.Services().Compute().V1().Instance()

operation, err := instanceService.Create(ctx, &compute.CreateInstanceRequest{
	Metadata: &common.ResourceMetadata{
		ParentId: "my-project-id",
		Name:     "my-instance",
	Spec: &compute.InstanceSpec{
		// instance configuration
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("create instance: %w", err)

operation, err = operation.Wait(ctx)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("wait for instance create: %w", err)

instanceID := operation.ResourceID()

Get Resource

The operation doesn't contain the current state of the resource. Once it completes, fetch the resource.

instance, err := instanceService.Get(ctx, &compute.GetInstanceRequest{
	Id: instanceID,
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("get instance: %w", err)

Get Resource by Name

Most resources can also be retrieved using their names.

instance, err = instanceService.GetByName(ctx, &common.GetByNameRequest{
	ParentId: "my-project-id",
	Name:     "my-instance",
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("get instance by name: %w", err)

Update Resource

When updating, provide a complete resource specification, not just the fields you wish to modify. Treat the Update method as having full-replace semantics.

operation, err := instanceService.Update(ctx, &compute.UpdateInstanceRequest{
	Metadata: &common.ResourceMetadata{
		Id:       instanceID,
		ParentId: "my-project-id",
		Name:     "my-instance",
	Spec: &compute.InstanceSpec{
		// new configuration
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("update instance: %w", err)

operation, err = operation.Wait(ctx)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("wait for instance update: %w", err)

List Resources

The List method retrieves resources within a specified container. It supports pagination, which may require additional handling for large number of resources.

list, err := instanceService.List(ctx, &compute.ListInstancesRequest{
	ParentId: "my-project-id",
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("list instances: %w", err)

for _, instance := range list.GetItems() {
	// process instance

if list.GetNextPageToken() != "" {
	list, err = instanceService.List(ctx, &compute.ListInstancesRequest{
		ParentId:  "my-project-id",
		PageToken: list.GetNextPageToken(),
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("list instances: %w", err)

	// repeat processing

Filter Resources

⚠️ Requires Go 1.23 or GOEXPERIMENT=rangefunc in Go 1.22.

The Filter method simplifies resource listing by iterating over items across pages in a single loop.

req := &compute.ListInstancesRequest{ParentId: "my-project-id"}
for instance, err := range instanceService.Filter(ctx, req) {
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("list instances: %w", err)

	// process instance

Delete Resource

The following example demonstrates how to delete a compute instance and use Wait to verify the operation's success.

operation, err := instanceService.Delete(ctx, &compute.DeleteInstanceRequest{
	Id: instanceID,
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("delete instance: %w", err)

operation, err = operation.Wait(ctx)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("wait for instance delete: %w", err)

Complete Example

This example demonstrates how to initialize the SDK with IAM token authorization and perform basic resource operations.

package example

import (

	common ""
	compute ""

func Example() error {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize SDK with IAM token
	sdk, err := gosdk.New(
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("create gosdk: %w", err)
	defer sdk.Close()

	instanceService := sdk.Services().Compute().V1().Instance()

	// Create resource
	operation, err := instanceService.Create(ctx, &compute.CreateInstanceRequest{
		Metadata: &common.ResourceMetadata{
			ParentId: "my-project-id",
			Name:     "my-instance",
		Spec: &compute.InstanceSpec{
			// configuration
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("create instance: %w", err)

	// Wait for the create operation to complete successfully
	operation, err = operation.Wait(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("wait for instance creation: %w", err)

	instanceID := operation.ResourceID()

	// Get resource by ID
	instance, err := instanceService.Get(ctx, &compute.GetInstanceRequest{
		Id: instanceID,
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("get instance: %w", err)

	// Get resource by name
	instance, err = instanceService.GetByName(ctx, &common.GetByNameRequest{
		ParentId: "my-project-id",
		Name:     "my-instance",
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("get instance by name: %w", err)

	// Update resource
	operation, err = instanceService.Update(ctx, &compute.UpdateInstanceRequest{
		Metadata: &common.ResourceMetadata{
			Id:       instanceID,
			ParentId: "my-project-id",
			Name:     "my-instance",
		Spec: &compute.InstanceSpec{
			// updated configuration
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("update instance: %w", err)

	// Wait for update operation complete successfully
	operation, err = operation.Wait(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("wait for instance update: %w", err)

	// Iterate over all resources inside container
	req := &compute.ListInstancesRequest{ParentId: "my-project-id"}
	for instance, err = range instanceService.Filter(ctx, req) {
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("list instances: %w", err)

		if instance.GetMetadata().GetId() == instanceID {
			continue // skip just created instance

		// Delete resource
		operation, err = instanceService.Delete(ctx, &compute.DeleteInstanceRequest{
			Id: instance.GetMetadata().GetId(),
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("delete instance: %w", err)

		// Wait for delete operation complete successfully
		operation, err = operation.Wait(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("wait for instance delete: %w", err)

	return nil

Advanced Scenarios

Explore advanced usage examples in


Contributions are welcome! Please refer to the contributing guidelines for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Copyright (c) 2024 Nebius B.V.


No releases published
