Hail Open Source 👍 🥇
As the name indicated , let us all come together and celebrate the festival of Open Source .
Want to know how to contribute ?
This project is perfect if you want to enjoy the great feeling of contribution .
There are two ways to contribute 👍
1)Easy Way
You can create a PR (Pull Request) with your draft article (or edits on an existing article) in two ways:
Please star ⭐ and fork ❤️ the repository before making your contributions as it will help resolve any # merge conflicts #
The format to enter the info is as follows:
Name: Your Name
Place: Your present residence
Tools of Trade : The tools/softwares you use/want to use
I love: Names of Open Source Project you are fan of or want to contribute to.
Languages I know: The computer languages you are comfortable with .
- The easiest method is to use the GitHub interface. Watch the video demonstration or follow the steps below it:
- Go into the "Contributers" folder and add your info. All stubs will be in an index.md file
- Click the "Edit this file" pencil icon and make your changes to the file in GitHub-flavored Markdown
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and add a commit message explaining your changes. Then select the radio button option for "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request" and click "Propose file changes"
- On the next screen, you can add any other details about your PR, then click "Create pull request"
- Hard Way
Fork this Repository using the button at the top
Clone your forked repository to your pc
Create a new branch for your modifications (ie. git branch new-user and check it out git checkout new-user and git checkout -b new-user)
Add your info in Contributors\
Add your files (git add -A), commit (git commit -m "added myself") and push (git push origin new-user)
Create a pull request
Star this repository
Wait for Pull Request to merge
Celebrate - you've done your first pull request!!
Read about markdown syntax here https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet