This is the implementation of the method presented in the paper Diffusion-based image inpainting with internal learning". (
This repository handles the problem of materials / SVBRDFs inpainting using the following maps:
- diffuse color
- normal map
- roughness
- specular
A model can be trained on a single masked image, the code makes a lot of assumptions about the structure of the folders and the name of the files. Instead of pointing to a single file, you should provide the path of a folder folderIn
which contains the following files:
Training is launched with:
python --folder ${folderIn} --steps 15000
Logs and model checkpoints are saved in the folder runs/${folderIn}
Once trained, the model can be used to generate 5 different results with:
python --folder ${folderIn} --checkpoint runs/${folderIn}/model_last.pth --n 5
The results from the paper have been achieved using the 100 material examples from test_set.txt, taken from the dataset of Deschaintre et al. (
The masks have been generated by us, and will be soon released.
Address = {Lyon},
author = {Cherel, Nicolas and Almansa, Andr{\'e}s and Gousseau, Yann and Newson, Alasdair},
Booktitle = {(EUSIPCO 2024) 32nd European Signal Processing Conference},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {IEEE},
Shorttitle = {EUSIPCO},
Title = {{Diffusion-based image inpainting with internal learning}},
Year = {2024},