Single page flutter application to track glucose levels.
Visit here on how to set up your computer for Flutter.
- Install Flutter (version 2.2.2)
- Install Xcode (to run project on iOS simulator)
- Install Android Studio (to run on your Android device or Android Emulator)
Step 1: Download or clone this repo by using the link below:
Step 2: Go to project root and execute the following command in console to get the required dependencies:
flutter pub get
Step 3:
This project uses mockito
library that works with code generation, execute the following command to generate mock test file if you run into issues building the project:
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Step 4: Ensure you have one device running. It could be an iOS Simulator, Android Emulator, or Android phone.
flutter devices
Step 5: Run the project
- For iOS, change directory to
and runflutter run
- For Android, change directory to
and runflutter run
Here is the folder structure used in this project.
|- constants/
|- exceptions/
|- extensions/
|- models/
|- notifiers/
|- services/
|- widgets/
|- main.dart