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Deprecation process

Jae Sung Park edited this page May 11, 2018 · 8 revisions

1. When method/property agreed to deprecate, then

  • Mark with JSDoc using @deprecated tag.
// For method
 * Get total panel count
 * @method eg.Flicking#getTotalCount
 * @deprecated since 1.3.0

// For property
 * Occurs during the change
 * @name eg.Flicking#flick
 * @event
 * @param {Object} param
 * @param {Number} param.index Current panel physical index (@deprecated since 1.3.0)

2. Code removal

  • The complete removal from code will happen on 4th release since the first deprecation release.

     ex. Deprecated on 1.0.0, and when the 4th release is 1.4.0,
         then remove happens on 1.4.0 release.
         (* Bear in mind, when remove occurs, MAJOR version should be increased)
  • Open a new issue with Deprecation from x.x.x title with derecated issue number, for manage purposes, which will be used on complete remove stage. (ex.

3. Versioning

  • egjs is adopting Semantic Versioning on versioning rule. When deprecation happens, MAJOR version will be increased.

       ex. When deprecated codes are removed on 1.4.0,
           then the release version will be '2.0.0' instead of 1.4.0