A basic TileStrata plugin for caching tiles to memory. Use cautiously – out of memory crashes are entirely possible if not configured carefully. If you want to share a single LRU across multiple layers and routes, that's just fine (the cache keys account for that).
$ npm install tilestrata-lru --save
var lru = require('tilestrata-lru');
// set total size limit of cache
.use(/* some provider */)
.use(lru({size: '20mb', ttl: 30})); // ttl in seconds
// or set a total number of items
.use(/* some provider */)
.use(lru({size: 20, ttl: 30}));
// set a function for the cache key
.use(/* some provider */)
.use(lru({key: function(req) {
var compressed = /gzip|deflate/.test(req.headers['accept-encoding']) ? 1 : 0;
return req.z+','+req.x+','+req.y+','+req.layer+','+req.filename+','+compressed;
Before submitting pull requests, please update the tests and make sure they all pass.
$ npm test
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