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A minimal Swift framework for representing API endpoints


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A Swift µframework for web API endpoint types.

Endpoint is specifically concerned with building URL requests - while it might make sense for the same type to be aware of how to handle response data, that is out-of-scope for this framework.


Endpoint Protocols

There are two endpoint protocol types: EndpointType, and BaseURLEndpointType. To define an endpoint, create a type that conforms to one of these protocols - this could be a struct for each individual endpoint, an enum for all endpoints, or a class if a reference type if necessary.


Endpoints simply provide:

var endpoint: NSURLRequest? { get }

How the URL request is actually built is left up to the implementation, but Endpoint includes provider types, which help create URL requests.

Base URL Endpoints

Base URL endpoints are similar, but receive a base URL as an input parameter:

func requestWithBaseURL(baseURL: NSURL) -> NSURLRequest?

Types implementing this protocol can be used to switch between different backend servers.

Provider Protocols

The provider protocols can be used on top of EndpointType and BaseURLEndpointType to make URL request generation declarative. Implementing these protocols in a type conforming to one of the endpoint types activates a default implementation of request or requestWithBaseURL(:), so that the derived type does not have to include one.

In this example, a GET endpoint is created for the users API, sorting users by their creation date:

struct UsersEndpoint:
    let method = .Get
    let queryItems = [NSURLQueryItem(name: "sort", value: "created")]
    let relativeURLString = "users"

When given the base URL http://example.api/, this endpoint will yield a GET request to http://example.api/users?sort=created.

HTTP Methods

To create an HTTP request, a method is required. This is implemented by MethodProviderType:

var method: String { get }

To take advantage of the other provider types, your type must provide an HTTP method.

Header Fields

Provides a dictionary of HTTP header fields to add to the request:

var headerFields: [String:String] { get }

This can be used with both EndpointType or BaseURLEndpointType, as long as MethodProviderType is also implemented.

Query Items

Provides an array of query items to append to the request's URL:

var queryItems: [NSURLQueryItem] { get }

This can be used with:

  • EndpointType, if the type also conforms to MethodProviderType and URLProviderType.
  • BaseURLEndpointType, if the type also conforms to MethodProviderType.

Relative URL Strings

Generally used to provide a path, RelativeURLStringProviderType will send the result of:

var relativeURLString: String { get }

To NSURL(string:relativeToURL:), in order to generate the final URL for a BaseURLEndpointType. This protocol cannot be used with EndpointType.


To provide a URL, URLProviderType can be used:

var URL: NSURL? { get }

This can only be used in conjunction with EndpointType, since BaseURLEndpointType implementations must be able to receive a base URL.


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gem install jazzy

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A minimal Swift framework for representing API endpoints







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