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Release (Part 1 of 2) #15

Release (Part 1 of 2)

Release (Part 1 of 2) #15

name: Release (Part 1 of 2)
# every tuesday at 10:20am PST (6:20pm UTC)
# cron doesn't support "first tuesday of the month", so we will use github
# actions syntax below to skip tuesdays that aren't in the first week.
# it is recommended not to start on the hour to avoid peak traffic
- cron: "20 18 * * 2"
required: true
type: string
VERSION: ${{ inputs.version }}
AUTORELEASE_BRANCH: autorelease/${{ inputs.version }}
# use a personal access token here which has permissions to trigger further actions
# this is necessary for the pr checks
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# skip scheduled runs that aren't the first tuesday of the month
- name: Check day of month
run: |
if [[ $GITHUB_EVENT_NAME == "workflow_dispatch" || $(date +%d) -le 7 ]]; then
echo "RUN=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "RUN=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
token: ${{ secrets.AUTORELEASE_BOT_PAT }}
- name: Install dependencies
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
run: pip install rst2html5 setuptools_scm
- name: Get current version number (scheduled runs only)
if: github.event_name == 'schedule'
run: echo "CURRENT_VERSION=$(python -m setuptools_scm)" > $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Get next bugfix version number (scheduled runs only)
if: github.event_name == 'schedule'
shell: python
run: |
import os
major, minor, bugfix, *_ = os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION'].split('.')
with open(os.environ['GITHUB_ENV']) as env_file:
env_file.write(f'VERSION={major}.{minor}.{bugfix + 1}')
- name: Configure git
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
run: |
git config "GitHub Actions"
git config "<>"
# Members of the natcap software team can push to the autorelease branch on
# natcap/invest; this branch is a special case for our release process.
- name: Create autorelease branch
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
run: git checkout -b "$AUTORELEASE_BRANCH"
# Replace
# Unreleased Changes
# ------------------
# with
# ..
# Unreleased Changes
# ------------------
# ------------------
- name: Update HISTORY.rst
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
run: |
HEADER="$VERSION ($(date '+%Y-%m-%d'))"
UNDERLINE=$(for i in $(seq 1 $HEADER_LENGTH); do echo -n "-"; done)
perl -0777 -i -pe \
"s/Unreleased Changes\n------------------/..\n Unreleased Changes\n ------------------\n\n${HEADER}\n${UNDERLINE}/g" \
- name: Generate changelog.html
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
run: rst2html5 HISTORY.rst workbench/changelog.html
- name: Update package.json version
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
uses: BellCubeDev/update-package-version-by-release-tag@v2
version: ${{ inputs.version }}
package-json-path: workbench/package.json
- name: Commit updated HISTORY.rst, changelog.html, and package.json
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
run: |
git add HISTORY.rst
git add workbench/changelog.html
git add workbench/package.json
git commit -m "Committing the $VERSION release."
- name: Tag and push
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
run: |
git tag $VERSION
git push --atomic origin $AUTORELEASE_BRANCH $VERSION
- name: Find actions run for the version tag
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
run: |
# wait a few seconds to make sure the actions run exists before querying it
sleep 5
echo "TAG_RUN_URL=$( \
gh run list \
--branch $VERSION \
--limit 1 \
--json url \
--jq .[].url)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Create a PR from the autorelease branch into main
if: ${{ env.RUN }}
run: |
gh pr create \
--base main \
--title "$VERSION release" \
--reviewer $GITHUB_ACTOR \
--assignee $GITHUB_ACTOR \
--body "
# Release $VERSION and merge into \`main\`
This PR contains automated changes made for the $VERSION release.
Merging this PR will trigger an action that publishes the \
release. Closing this PR without merging will trigger an action that \
rolls back any release steps that have completed so far.
## Review this PR
- [ ] Make sure that the automated changes look correct
- [ ] Wait for BOTH the PR checks below AND the [$VERSION tag checks]($TAG_RUN_URL) \
to complete. The $VERSION tag workflow is most important \
because it produces the artifacts that will be used in the \
next steps of the release process.
- [ ] Download and try out the [tag build artifacts]($TAG_RUN_URL)
**If everything looks good**, approve and merge this PR. This will \
trigger a Github Action that will publish the release. Then go \
back to the [Release Checklist]( \
and complete any remaining tasks.
**If there is a bug**, decline this PR. Submit a fix in a separate \
PR into \`main\`. Once the fix has been merged, restart the release \
process from the beginning.
**If either workflow fails due to an intermittent problem**, \
rerun it through the GitHub UI. Proceed to approve and merge this \
PR once it succeeds."
- name: Roll back on failure
if: failure()
uses: ./.github/actions/rollback_release