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This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 25, 2018. It is now read-only.


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Worldview Components

Note: worldview-components is now a part of worldview core. Please refer to the worldview repository to continue using these components.


External components built to use on the NASA Worldview satellite imagery visualization application. Worldview Components is built using ES6 and facebook's react JS library. This repository is the start of a larger project to make our code more scalable and readable.

Getting Started



Install dependencies (NOTE for Windows users: omit the "sudo" part of the following commands as it isn't available):

# install global version of gulp
sudo npm install --global gulp-cli

npm install worldview-components


Get Entire Package

var WorldviewComponents = require('worldview-components');

Use Single Module

var DateSelector = require('worldview-components').DateSelector;


Get Entire Package

import WorldviewComponents from 'worldview-components';

Grab what you need

import {DateSelector, Tooltip} from 'worldview-components';

Legacy Approach

Include wvc.js in you index.html file <script type="text/javascript" src="../node_modules/worldview-components/browser/wvc.js"></script>

How to use it

WVC is exposed as a global variable in wvc.js var wv-utils = WVC.utils;

Reusable components

Date Selector

A Date selection widget that handles validations. Recommended CSS can be found here


<DateSelector width="120" height="30" date={someJSDateYouWantToDisplay} id='someId' onDateChange={this.someOnChangeHandler} maxDate={this.props.maxDate} minDate={this.props.startDate} />


A widget that takes text and a array of text to display in a tooltip. When you hover over the given text you will see the array of strings. Recommended CSS can be found here


<Tooltip text={this.hoverableText} onClick={this.someClickHandeler} dataArray={arrayOfStringsToDisplayInToolTip}/> />


  • clone this repository
  • use npm link to link your local version of WVC.
  • run gulp to babelify and browserify your code
  • run gulp watch to compile your code on save.




We'd be quite excited if you'd like to contribute to Worldview Components! Whether it's finding bugs, adding new features, fixing anything broken, or improving documentation, get started by submitting an issue or pull request!

Please see our Roadmap for a list of Worldview features currently in progress.

Thanks for considering contributing and making our planet easier to explore!