Clean contract state with NEAR CLI JS
- Compile the state-cleanup contract
make all
- Deploy the state-cleanup contract to the account (e.g. example.near)
near deploy example.near ./res/state_cleanup.wasm --network-id mainnet
- View the contact state and you can find the state keys with base64 encoding
near storage example.near --finality optimistic --network-id mainnet
- Clean the state keys
near call example.near clean '{"keys":[<base64 state keys>]}' --network-id mainnet --account-id example.near --gas 300000000000000
Sometimes you may meet the error State of contract example.near is too large to be viewed
. This is RPC issue, so you need to use the RPC that allows unlimited view
NEAR_MAINNET_RPC= near storage example.near --finality optimistic --network-id mainnet