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Sil3nt edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

The FusionXRHand.cs component is responsible for the basic functionality of the hand, mainly:

  • Tracking a virtual hand to a controller position
  • Handling controller inputs
  • Grabbing



Hand: Left/Right Hand
Tracked Controller: Reference to transform that will be tracked. Usually a tracked controller of a XRRig
Position Offset: Offset applied to the TrackedController position (locally)
Rotation Offset: Offset applied to the TrackedController rotation (locally)
Tracking Mode: The method used for tracking the hand to the controller (see TrackDriver)
Tracking Base: The settings used for the TrackDriver (see TrackingBase)


Grab Reference: InputActionReference to this hands grab action
Pinch Reference: InputActionReference to this hands pinch (trigger) action


Grabbed Tracking Mode: The TrackDriver used for tracking the grabbed object
Palm: A transform that defines the center of the hand, used for raycasting when grabbing. The transforms forward should point outwards, it defines the direction of the raycast.
Reach Dist: Palm.position and ReachDist define a sphere that is used for detecting possible Grabbables when grabbing
Grab Mask: Layermask, everything that is not included in the mask will be ignored and cannot be grabbed
Use Hand Poser: Determines whether a HandPoser can be used when grabbing.

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