This application is to allow the employee to reserve meeting room so that the meeting room is not already occupied by others. Following are the features this application has,
- Create employee
- Create room
- Create room reservation
- Cancel room reservation
- Filter room reservation by employee
- Authentication to perform above operations
Before running the application please ensure that following are available in the system,
- docker
- docker compose
After that run this command
mkdir -p .docker/data/postgres_data
make up
make superuser
(Create a super user by providing email and password)
The application will be running on http://localhost:8100/
For the development you will need to have pyenv
and pipenv
already installed.
Follow the steps below,
git clone
cd reservation
mkdir -p .docker/data/postgres_data
(This will require if you use docker compose or makefile)pipenv install
pipenv shell
docker compose up db
python migrate
python runserver
python test
(To run the test)
- PostgreSQL 14.0
- Python 3.10
- Django 3.2.9
- DRF 3.12.4