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Yippee-Ki-JSON End of Support notice: The project will reach end of life and go to public archive after the end of 2024. Please see the announcement here.

Yippee-Ki-JSON is the perfect library for die-hard CLI users who need to script JSON document manipulations to eliminate slow and error prone operations.

Primary feature set

  • Filter out certain parts of JSON documents
  • Replace text snippets of matching nodes
    • Supporting conditional replacements
    • In the node values or node names
  • Validate JSON nodes and node values using predefined rules


java -jar yippee-ki-json.jar [--yippee.config=file] --yippee.action=action \
    [--yippee.input=file] [--yippee.allow-overwrite={true|false}] \

java -jar yippee-ki-json.jar [--yippee.config=file] --yippee.action=action \
    [--yippee.input=file] [--yippee.allow-overwrite={true|false}] \

java -jar yippee-ki-json.jar [--yippee.config=file] --yippee.action=action \
    [--yippee.input=directory] [--yippee.includes[0]=pattern] \
    [--yippee.includes[1]=pattern] ... [--yippee.includes[N]=pattern] \
    [--yippee.excludes[0]=pattern] [--yippee.excludes[1]=pattern] ...\
    [--yippee.excludes[N]=pattern] [--yippee.allow-overwrite={true|false}]\
    [--yippee.relaxed-yml-schema=={true|false}] --yippee.output-directory=directory


Yippee-Ki-JSON is a Lightweight JSON manipulation application using Spring Boot and JSON Path as core. The application uses the following main concepts to carry out the core logic:

  1. A configuration YML file
  2. Input files
  3. An action which is defined in the YML
  4. Output files

The configuration YML describes certain named actions which can be done to an input file. Each action has a list of rules which will be applied in the order they were configured one after the other to the input file when the action in question is selected to be performed. As the result of each rule, certain changes can be made to the JSON nodes located by the JSON Path defined in the rule. In the end, the transformed JSON will be pretty-printed to the output file.


java -jar yippee-ki-json.jar --yippee.action=filter --yippee.output=./out.json

Loads the default configuration file from the working directory, filters the working directory for input files using the default include pattern and provided that only one input file was found (as output is a single file as well) applies the filter action defined in the YML configuration file to write it to the output.

java -jar yippee-ki-json.jar --yippee.action=filter --yippee.output-directory=./out

Loads the default configuration file from the working directory, filters the working directory for input files using the default include pattern and applies the filter action defined in the YML configuration file to all of the input files. Writes the result into the ./out folder using the same file path as the input was relative to the input directory.

java -jar yippee-ki-json.jar --yippee.action=filter --yippee.output-directory=./out \

Same as example (2) but ensures that no files will be overwritten. If an output file exists we will mark it as failed but won't change the content.

java -jar yippee-ki-json.jar --yippee.action=filter --yippee.output-directory=./out \
    --yippee.includes[0]=**/*.json --yippee.excludes[0]=exclude.json

Same as example (2) but will include all files using .json as extension searching recursively in the input folder except for the single exclusion: exclude.json.


General options
Option Description
--yippee.config The path where the action descriptor can be located. Default: actions.yml
--yippee.action The name of the action we want to execute.
--yippee.input The name of the input file/directory. Default: ./
--yippee.allow-overwrite Specifies whether we allow overwriting existing outputs. Default: true
--yippee.relaxed-yml-schema Allows suppression of YML configuration related schema violations. Default: false
--yippee.includes[0..N] Input file include wildcard patterns. Default: *.json
--yippee.excludes[0..N] Input file exclude wildcard patterns.
--yippee.output Output file path.
--yippee.output-directory Output directory path.
--yippee.charset Default character set used during parsing. Default: UTF-8

SchemaStore integration

Prefix: --additional.schema-store.<option>

Option Description
catalog-uri The URI of the SchemaStore catalog JSON. Default:
schema-array-path The JSON Path we will use to get the list/array items of the catalog. Default: $.schemas[*]
mapping-name-key The key referencing the name of the schema item. Default: name
mapping-url-key The key referencing the URI of the schema item. Default: url

HTTP Client

Prefix: --additional.http.<option>

Option Description
user-agent The value of the user-agent HTTP header.
add-default-headers Boolean telling the app to add the default HTTP headers automatically. Default: true
min-success-status The minimum (inclusive) HTTP status code value we should consider as successful. Default: 200
max-success-status The maximum (inclusive) HTTP status code value we should consider as successful. Default: 299
timeout-seconds The maximum time we want to wait for an HTTP response. Ignored if zero or below. Default: 0
Spring Boot options

All generic Spring Boot options are supported. Please find a few useful ones below.

Option Description
--logging.level.root Sets the log level of the root package.
--logging.level.<package> Sets the log level of the package named <package>.
Log levels
Log level Meaning
DEBUG Expect seeing detailed information on the parsed configuration. e.g. the list of rules parsed from the config file.
INFO Expect brief messages about the parsing and execution. e.g. the number of rules parsed from the config file.
WARN Expect only warnings, soft failures.
ERROR Lists only errors which are stopping normal execution.