Hosting your own gitlab on AWS
- High availability architecture span across two regions
- Bastion server to access private instances
- Using postgres database as recommended
- Using NFS as recommended (NFS is built on EC2 with EBS)
Host name is required to host gitlab. It will be mapped to the DNS of the load balancer. One option is to use AWS route 53 as the host zones.
Terraform aws access
Create a user for terraform with the following permission:
- ElastiCache
- EC2
Key Pair
Create a key pair to access into EC2 Instances
Edit configuration file:
### Config file
## AWS Configuration
# Region for the vpc
region = "ap-southeast-1"
# Availability zones to achive high availability
availability_zone_a = "ap-southeast-1a"
availability_zone_b = "ap-southeast-1b"
# Ami to host gitlab instances
ami = "ami-xxxxxx"
# Key name for terraform to provision ec2 instances
key_name = "key_name"
## Networking
vpc_cidr_block = ""
public_subnet_CIDR_block_a = ""
public_subnet_CIDR_block_b = ""
private_subnet_CIDR_block_a = ""
private_subnet_CIDR_block_b = ""
## Gitlab Configuration
gitlab_url = ""
gitlab_docker_image = "gitlab/gitlab-ce:11.1.4-ce.0"
# DB
db_name = "gitlab_db"
db_user = "gitlab_user"
db_password = "gitlab_password"
Configure AWS CLI
The AWS CLI will prompt you for four pieces of information. AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key are your account credentials. More info
aws configure
Deploy resources on AWS
terraform plan
terraform apply
Pending task
- Parameterised RDS and cache param
- Parameterised cache param
- Parameterised Gitlab instance param
- Parameterised NFS instance param
- Add in Route 53 attached to EBS