From which new tricks and lessons can be learnt.
- Using RegExp's Capturing Groups to manipulate strings
- Third solution is better / simpler / less bug-prone (according to comments)
- Groups:
- First character of word
- Remaining characters of word
- \b => Word boundary (used to match word; e.g: /\b(\w*)\b/g)
- \w => Any alphanumeric character including the underscore; equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_]
- Link
- Calling functions that accepts multiple arguments using an Array
- Link
- Using RegExp's Capturing Groups to manipulate strings
- Own solution is pretty interesting and simple as well.
- String interpolation used to separate last item of array.
- Link
- Using Array Destructuring for better readability
- Avoids annoying array[n]
- Link
- Vowel Count
- Using Regex
- Using List Comprehension: an elegant way to define and create lists based on existing lists
- Link
- Lambda function: Small anonymous function
- Mapping a List
- Using List Comprehension
- Using map
- Link
- Abbreviating a two-word name
- Using List Destructuring
- Using List Comprehension
- Link
- Check if an array contains a value
- Using namespace System.Linq
- Using namespace System
- Tips:
- Classes can be made available using using static directive
- e.g. using static System.Linq.Enumerable
- Namespace aliases can be used to avoid name clashes
- e.g. using Linq=System.Linq
- Classes can be made available using using static directive
- Link