Councils that have v1.3 and earlier of the councils theme for WordPress won't be able to receive theme update notification for the councils theme due to the elimination of Gitlab as software repo. The following instructions will allow councils to update functions.php in order for councils to get the latest theme update. Editing the "functions.php" file in the theme folder will be needed.
If you have direct access to the website files, the file is located at: /wp-content/themes/bsa-council-theme/functions.php
It can also be accessed from the WordPress Dashboard Dashboard -> Appearance -> Theme Editor and select "Theme Functions (functions.php)"
$published_theme_style = download_url('');
Replace with:
$published_theme_style = download_url('');
$theme_package = $theme_dir_url . $published_theme_data['Version'] . '.zip/raw' . $private_token;
$theme_url = $theme_dir_url . 'release.html/raw' . $private_token;
Replace with:
$theme_package = '' . $published_theme_data['Version'] . '/';
$theme_url = "" . $published_version . "/release.html";