Created simple web application using the MERN stack. The restaurant data is pulled from MongoDB restaurant sample data.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
Install latest version of npm
- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
- clone the project
git clone
- Go to both backend and front directory and install NPM packages
npm install
- Start the backend application server in the backend directory
nodemon server
- Start the frontend application server in the frontend directory
npm start
Creating an Account
- Click 'Login' on the navigation bar
- Input username and ID
- Click login
- Note that this is not a true creating an account/login system. It is just fields that are required to leave a review
Searching by name, zipcode, cuisines
- Type in name textbox, zipcode textbox, or select from cuisine drop down list
- Click 'Search' button on the corresponding textbox
Viewing Restaurant Location
- Click on 'View Map' button to redirect you to google maps location of the restaurant
Viewing Review
- Click on 'View Reviews' button to see the reviews from the restaurant
Add Review
- Click on 'Add Review' button
- Input your review in the textbox
- Click 'Submit'
Edit Review
- Click on 'Edit' button on the review
- Edit your review in the textbox
- Click 'Submit'
Delete Review
- Click on 'Delete' button on the review
Muhammad Zuhdi - LinkedIn - [email protected]