Boilerplate for creating React components
NOTICE: This boilerplate is outdated, and will not receive any updates. Take a look at rackt-cli instead.
$ git clone
$ npm install
Start webpack
$ npm start
# or
$ ./script/build
Start karma
$ npm test
# or
$ ./script/test --auto-watch
A simple example is setup to run out of the box
$ npm start
$ open example/index.html
You'll need to change a few things
# Delete .git
$ cd react-component-boilerplate
$ rm -rf .git
# Update package.json and bower.json
# name, version, description, repository, keywords, author, license, bugs, homepage
$ vim package.json
$ vim bower.json
# Update webpack.config.js
$ vim webpack.config.js
# Update build script
$ vim script/build
# Rename lib/example.js
$ mv lib/example.js lib/whatever.js
$ vim index.js
$ vim example/index.html
$ vim specs/example.spec.js
# Rename specs/example.spec.js
$ mv specs/example.spec.js specs/whatever.spec.js
$ vim specs/main.js