Lightweight Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) via Python TKInter. The reader and some of its features are motivated by the conversation at Please submit issues and requests at
- Linux: Download and unzip the source code, e.g., To run, open a terminal and call python on the unzipped directory: python Downloads/rsvp-reader-master
- OS X: Same as Linux. See note on TCL compatibility below.
- Windows: Unlike Linux and OS X, Python is not included on Windows. Install Python 2 ( and then follow the Linux instructions. (Linux "terminal" = Windows "command prompt")
The native Python graphics toolkit (TKInter) relies on TCL. If the RSVP reader crashes on your Mac, it may be because of TCL compatibility issues. This is beyond the control of the rsvp-reader developers. Please see
To check your Python version, run python --version in a terminal. To check your TCL version, run echo "puts [info patchlevel]" | tclsh in a terminal.
The rsvp-reader is intended for users with beginner-level Python skills. The basic user settings (words per minute, pause-length for punctuation) are listed in in the unzipped directory. After adjusting settings, restart the program.
Version 0.2: Slowing words based on frequency of common use via Google Ngram data and other cosmetic changes. Tested with:
- Ubuntu 13.10, Python 2.7.5+, TCL 8.5.13
Version 0.1: Initial version, including pauses (stops) for punctuation and skip-back buttons. Tested with:
- Ubuntu 13.10, Python 2.7.5+, TCL 8.5.13
- Option to force the WPM rate to the nominal rate.
- An extra pane highlighting the read word in context.
This code is provided under version 3 of the GNU General Public License.