I’m Nathan. My website is nathanherald.com (the source of which is at myobie/nathanherald.com) and you can read more stuff about me there if you like.
I’ve been using GitHub since before it was public, I have a very low user ID (179), I’ve worked at GitHub in the past, and I have a lot of super old public repos I am embarrassed about. All that just to say: I like GitHub and use it everyday.
I am not a programmer, but I've pretended to be one for a while. I’ve even been an “architect” although I hate that title. I see myself as a designer who tries to envision ways and systems of working between computers and humans. Programming (along with other skills, tools, and other people) is something which can help me build the things I see in my mind.
I was pretty heavy into ruby and rails for a long time and so there are a lot of old ruby-related repos on my profile. More recently I've been writing a lot of elixir and I love learning about erlang. One day I will finish my highlander project which I hope could be a distributed elixir registry with uniqueness guarantees so I can design applications where every user or item is backed by it's own elixir process. Or maybe someone else will make it before me which would be fine too 🕶️
I'm also writing a lot of typescript and swift and I think I have some repos with those languages. I pretty much hate javascript-related tooling and Xcode setup stuff, but it’s worth it I guess…
My colleagues and I are building a new, fun way to privately share stuff with the people you care most about called Shareup. Sharing should be easy. We are sharing code and ideas at github.com/shareup as we go. We are pretty excited about some of the tech bets we are making; like betting heavily on wasm, websocket, webrtc, swift ui, elixir + phoenix, and more and we’ll share what we learn over on the shareup profile.