Unleashing the power of data consent by establishing trust. The Platform Core Developer API defines a set of capabilities that can be used to request, issue, manage and update data, documents and credentials by organizations. The API can be used to request, manage and update Decentralised Identifiers, Financial Data, Health Data issue Documents, Credentials directly or using OpenID Connect flows, and verify Messages signed with DIDs and much more.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://mydatamyconsent.com/en-us/developers
Python >=3.6
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+https://github.com/mydatamyconsent/python-sdk.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/mydatamyconsent/python-sdk.git
Then import the package:
import mydatamyconsent
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import mydatamyconsent
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import mydatamyconsent
from pprint import pprint
from mydatamyconsent.api import data_consent_requests_api
from mydatamyconsent.model.create_data_consent_request import CreateDataConsentRequest
from mydatamyconsent.model.data_consent_request import DataConsentRequest
from mydatamyconsent.model.data_consent_status import DataConsentStatus
from mydatamyconsent.model.error import Error
from mydatamyconsent.model.individual_data_consent_request_details import IndividualDataConsentRequestDetails
from mydatamyconsent.model.individual_data_consent_request_details_paginated_list import IndividualDataConsentRequestDetailsPaginatedList
from mydatamyconsent.model.organization_data_consent_request_details import OrganizationDataConsentRequestDetails
from mydatamyconsent.model.organization_data_consent_request_details_paginated_list import OrganizationDataConsentRequestDetailsPaginatedList
from mydatamyconsent.model.problem_details import ProblemDetails
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://api.mydatamyconsent.com
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = mydatamyconsent.Configuration(
host = "https://api.mydatamyconsent.com"
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with mydatamyconsent.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = data_consent_requests_api.DataConsentRequestsApi(api_client)
request_id = "requestId_example" # str | Individual consent request id.
# Cancel the individual data consent request by Id.
except mydatamyconsent.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DataConsentRequestsApi->cancel_individual_data_consent_request: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://api.mydatamyconsent.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DataConsentRequestsApi | cancel_individual_data_consent_request | PUT /v1/consent-requests/individual/{requestId}/cancel | Cancel the individual data consent request by Id. |
DataConsentRequestsApi | cancel_organization_data_consent_request | PUT /v1/consent-requests/organization/{requestId}/cancel | Cancel the organization data consent request by Id. |
DataConsentRequestsApi | create_individual_data_consent_request | POST /v1/consent-requests/individual | Create data consent request for an individual. |
DataConsentRequestsApi | create_organization_data_consent_request | POST /v1/consent-requests/organization | Create data consent request for an organization. |
DataConsentRequestsApi | get_all_consent_requests_to_individuals | GET /v1/consent-requests/individuals | Get all Consent Requests sent to individuals. |
DataConsentRequestsApi | get_all_consent_requests_to_organizations | GET /v1/consent-requests/organizations | Get all Consent Requests sent to organizations. |
DataConsentRequestsApi | get_individual_consent_request_by_id | GET /v1/consent-requests/individuals/{requestId} | Get individual data consent request by id. |
DataConsentRequestsApi | get_organization_consent_request_by_id | GET /v1/consent-requests/organizations/{requestId} | Get a OrganizationConsent Request by Id. |
DataConsentsApi | download_consented_document_analysis | GET /v1/consents/{consentId}/documents/{documentId}/analysis | Get analysis of a consented document. |
DataConsentsApi | download_individual_consented_document_by_id | GET /v1/consents/individuals/{consentId}/documents/{documentId}/download | Download individual consented document by document id. |
DataConsentsApi | download_organization_consented_document_by_id | GET /v1/consents/organizations/{consentId}/documents/{documentId}/download | Download organization consent document based on document id. |
DataConsentsApi | get_all_consented_financial_accounts | GET /v1/consents/individuals/{consentId}/financial-accounts | Get all individual consented financial accounts. |
DataConsentsApi | get_consent_financial_accounts | GET /v1/consents/organizations/{consentId}/financial-accounts | Get all organizational consented financial accounts. |
DataConsentsApi | get_consented_account_by_id | GET /v1/consents/individuals/{consentId}/financial-accounts/{accountId} | Get individual consented financial account details based on account id. |
DataConsentsApi | get_consented_document_by_id | GET /v1/consents/individuals/{consentId}/documents/{documentId} | Get individual consented document by document id. |
DataConsentsApi | get_consented_financial_account | GET /v1/consents/organizations/{consentId}/financial-accounts/{accountId} | Get organization consented financial account details based on account id. |
DataConsentsApi | get_consented_financial_account_insights | GET /v1/consents/{consentId}/financial-accounts/{accountId}/insights | Get consented financial account insights. |
DataConsentsApi | get_consented_financial_account_transactions | GET /v1/consents/individuals/{consentId}/financial-accounts/{accountId}/transactions | Get individual consented financial account transactions of an individual based on accountId. |
DataConsentsApi | get_consents | GET /v1/consents/individuals | Get the paginated list of individual data consents. |
DataConsentsApi | get_individual_consented_documents | GET /v1/consents/individuals/{consentId}/documents | Get individual consented documents by consent id. |
DataConsentsApi | get_individual_data_consent_by_id | GET /v1/consents/individuals/{consentId} | Get individuals data consent details by consent id. |
DataConsentsApi | get_org_consented_account_transactions | GET /v1/consents/organizations/{consentId}/financial-accounts/{accountId}/transactions | Get organization consented financial account transactions of an individual based on accountId. |
DataConsentsApi | get_organization_consented_document_by_id | GET /v1/consents/organizations/{consentId}/documents/{documentId} | Get organization consent document based on document id. |
DataConsentsApi | get_organization_consented_documents | GET /v1/consents/organizations/{consentId}/documents | Get organization consented documents by consent id. |
DataConsentsApi | get_organization_data_consent_by_id | GET /v1/consents/organizations/{consentId} | Get organizations data consent details by consent id. |
DataConsentsApi | get_organization_data_consents | GET /v1/consents/organizations | Get the paginated list of organization data consents. |
DataProcessingAgreementsApi | create_data_processing_agreement | POST /v1/data-agreements | Create a data processing agreement. |
DataProcessingAgreementsApi | delete_data_processing_agreement_by_id | DELETE /v1/data-agreements/{id} | Delete a data processing agreement. This will not delete a published or a agreement in use with consents. |
DataProcessingAgreementsApi | get_data_processing_agreement_by_id | GET /v1/data-agreements/{id} | Get data processing agreement by id. |
DataProcessingAgreementsApi | get_data_processing_agreements | GET /v1/data-agreements | Get paginated data processing agreements. |
DataProcessingAgreementsApi | terminate_data_processing_agreement_by_id | PUT /v1/data-agreements/{id}/terminate | Terminate a data processing agreement. |
DataProcessingAgreementsApi | update_data_processing_agreement | PUT /v1/data-agreements/{id} | Update a data processing agreement. |
DataProviderDiscoveryApi | get_data_provider_by_id | GET /v1/data-providers/{providerId} | Get a Data Provider details by provider id. |
DataProviderDiscoveryApi | get_data_providers | GET /v1/data-providers | Discover all data providers in My Data My Consent by country and filters. |
DigiLockerCompatIssuerApi | digilocker_compat_issue_document | POST /issuer/issuedoc/1/xml | Digilocker Compatible endpoint to issue document. |
DocumentsApi | get_issued_document_by_id | GET /v1/documents/issued/{documentId} | Get issued document. |
DocumentsApi | get_issued_documents | GET /v1/documents/issued | Get paginated list of issued documents of given document type. |
DocumentsApi | get_registered_document_types | GET /v1/documents/types | Get paginated list of registered document types. |
DocumentsApi | issue_document_to_individual | POST /v1/documents/issue/individual | Issue a new document to an individual user. |
DocumentsApi | issue_document_to_organization | POST /v1/documents/issue/organization | Issue a new document to an organization. |
DocumentsApi | upload_document_for_individual | POST /v1/documents/issue/individual/upload/{issueRequestId} | Upload a document for issuance request of individual. |
DocumentsApi | upload_document_for_organization | POST /v1/documents/issue/organization/upload/{issueRequestId} | Upload a document for issuance request of organization. |
SupportedIdentifiersApi | get_all_supported_identifiers | GET /v1/supported-identifiers/{countryIso2Code} | Get all supported identifiers by country. |
- Activity
- ApprovedConsentRequest
- BankAccountType
- BillPaymentOrderItem
- CollectibleTypes
- ConsentRequestReceiver
- CreateDataConsentRequest
- CreateDataProcessingAgreement
- DataConsent
- DataConsentDetails
- DataConsentDetailsPaginatedList
- DataConsentDocument
- DataConsentDocumentIssuer
- DataConsentFinancialsDto
- DataConsentRequest
- DataConsentRequestDetails
- DataConsentRequestedFinancialAccount
- DataConsentStatus
- DataProcessingAgreement
- DataProcessingAgreementBase
- DataProcessingAgreementPaginatedList
- DataProtectionOfficer
- DataProvider
- DataProviderPaginatedList
- DocumentCategoryType
- DocumentDigitalSignature
- DocumentIssueRequest
- DocumentIssueRequestDetails
- DocumentIssueRequestStatus
- DocumentReceiver
- DocumentSubCategoryType
- DocumentType
- DocumentTypePaginatedList
- DocumentsRequired
- Error
- ErrorType
- Financial
- FinancialAccount
- FinancialAccountDetailsRequired
- FinancialAccounts
- IdentificationStrategy
- Identifier
- IndividualDataConsentRequestDetails
- IndividualDataConsentRequestDetailsPaginatedList
- IssuedDocument
- IssuedDocumentDetails
- IssuedDocumentPaginatedList
- Life
- OrganizationDataConsentRequestDetails
- OrganizationDataConsentRequestDetailsPaginatedList
- OrganizationFinancialAccountDto
- OrganizationFinancialTransactionsDto
- OrganizationFinancialTransactionsDtoPaginatedList
- PaymentRequest
- ProblemDetails
- PushUriRequest
- PushUriResponse
- SharedWith
- StringStringKeyValuePair
- SupportedEntityType
- SupportedIdentifier
- UpdateDataProcessingAgreement
- UriDetails
- UserAccountFinancialTransactionsDto
- UserAccountFinancialTransactionsDtoPaginatedList
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: application
- Authorization URL: https://accounts.mydatamyconsent.com/connect/authorize
- Scopes:
- developer: Developer API
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in mydatamyconsent.apis and mydatamyconsent.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:
from mydatamyconsent.api.default_api import DefaultApi
from mydatamyconsent.model.pet import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import mydatamyconsent
from mydatamyconsent.apis import *
from mydatamyconsent.models import *