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Detect and extract object position from webcam or simulation/ Nao's kinematic/ Nao webots motion/ Nao's workspace (simplified) / use of a rat computational model / ANN and other machine learning implementations

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The objective of this work was to have a complete pipeline to see an object and grab it while considering a brain model to highlight Parkinson's symptom. The purpose of such a pipeline would be to perform preliminary Parkinson's experiments on simulations and robots to reduce the need of animal experiments and speed up research. This is to consider in the limit of the task and the liability of the brain model and is as such a preliminary work showing the possibility of such a project in a larger scale.

object detection/motion-nao webots

Goal: See an object, decide wether it is interesting or not (as to be a cylinder/ball - green/blue - in Nao's left arm workspace). If it's interesting a high stimulation is sent to the rat model, else a low stimulation is sent. An ANN determines if the rat model as PD and his stimulated and send a noise and a stmulation to the kinematic that, if the stimulation is high send the orders to the left arm joints in webots. The robots reachs and grasp the object. See below the exploitable workspace.

First step. Detect and extract object position, one version extracts object color.

Second step. Send it to a computational model of rat with/without PD and extract relevant noise to send to the robot

Third step.choose where to send the noise that will perturb (or not) the robot motion, and execute an arm kinematic

Visualize it on webots, plot the motion with matplotlib


All the architecture was composed with ROS

Node communication schema:

Flow chart of the process (keep in mind that each node works in parallel, but the data coming from the visual processing won't be treated until the next node as finished working on the previous data).

Image processing

Use find_2d_object & ROS or OpenCv & ROS (2 versions)

See objects, detect them, extract position in camera coordinates send the position and object ID (or color) as a topic (in cm in v1 and mm in v2). Either before or after a workspace filtering (if in send in topic, else it doesn't) The workspace check is also effectuated here.

kinematic nao

Either receive the object pose as a topic or from a txt file (must be in mm, the reference base is the centre of NAO's torso) transform it into angle joint and send them back as a topic. A version consider Nao's workspace before calculating the angle joints. Another decompose the trajectory into sub-motion The angle joints for each motion is saved in txt files. Adapted for left arm

There is a code adapted for both arm, but not quite performant for the right arm.


The rat model is jhielson's (see: with adaptations to fit my case, see his github to install required dependencies Initial_Neurorobotics_Model_of_PD

The stimulation and Pd probabilities are saved in a csv file (in world/data)

However, all the machine learning tests are there, in a Machine Learning folder: Naive Bayes, Linear/Logistic regression, K-mean clusters, the support vector regression model and the feed forward ANN


Subscribe to the topic publsihed by kinematic nao and move nao to the given position. The joint pose are recorded at given interval and stored in csv files. They can then be ploted later on with


note:the simulated camera data is extracted and sent as a topic in a string format.

All the data are in this package.

See for installing webots for this case. Note: don't hesitate to check the issue if you need to use gazebo on Ros melodic (gazebo 9) instead. (If you are on kinetic, there should be no issue normally)

World actual setup:

When trying to launch all the packages together: Launch in order

 roslaunch kinematicnao decomposed_kinematic_1hand.launch 
 roslaunch rat_model testbash.launch 
 roslaunch webots_ros complete_test.launch 

Then once you want to restart a simulation for the first time, you have to close and relaunch 2. then 1. in this order (1., only once 2. is fully operational) Once this done you can do as many simulation as you like by just restarting 1.

The reason of this operation is a roscore problem, both webots and 1. are masters, while rat_model need to have a roscore running to operate. So starting the kinematic then the rat model, the rat model has a roscore (and just one). If you stop the kinematic, the rat model lose its roscore and stops working.

Youtube link

Thesis link?


Detect and extract object position from webcam or simulation/ Nao's kinematic/ Nao webots motion/ Nao's workspace (simplified) / use of a rat computational model / ANN and other machine learning implementations







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