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Greetings ๐Ÿ‘‹.

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PROD Deployment

  1. Create a PR from canary to main. Let the GitHub Actions run automatically.

  2. In Contentful

    1. Update the master alias target to the untargeted canary environment (check the Created date, it should be newer than the currently targeted environment).

    2. Delete the untargeted canary environment (i.e. the one previously targeted by master) and add a new one.

      • Environment ID naming: canary_YYYY-MM-DDTHH-mm-ss-SSSZ

          `canary_${new Date().toISOString().replaceAll(":", "-")}`,
      • Cloned from: master environment

    3. Update the Environments of the canary API key, check the newly added canary environment

  3. In Vercel, replace the value of environment variable CONTENTFUL_ENVIRONMENT of the Preview environment to the Contentful Environment ID defined in step 2.ii.

  4. Merge/enable auto merge for the PR.