markdown-it toc components
- add toc base css
- when scroll the page, set the active toc item
- support set offset to the header
- example
- import the component plugins
import Vue from 'vue' import MarkdownItToc from 'vue-markdown-it-toc' Vue.use(MarkdownItToc)
- use in vue project
- template
<markdown-it-toc class="markdown-it-wrap" :content="content" :offset="21" :level="3"> </markdown-it-toc>
- css
.markdown-it-wrap { width: 1140px; margin: 0 auto; padding-right: 165px; box-sizing: border-box; }
- template
- if the css style does not satisfy your usage scence, then you can rewrite the toc style that was wraped by the