The clarify-java library allows you to use the Clarify API from within Java. It handles all of the HTTP requests and response codes for you.
The library itself is MIT-licensed so if you find anything which is incomplete, unclear, or even wrong, feel free to submit a pull request!
You can get started in minutes using our Quickstarts:
While what follows is documentation on the Java library specifically, when in doubt, check out our API documentation at
- Java JDK-1.6 or higher
- Apache Maven 3 or higher
- Download Java from
- Make sure you set your JAVA_HOME environment variable correctly.
- Please refer to this handy Maven in 5 Minutes guide for any help downloading, installing, configuring, or using Maven.
- If you are using Eclipse, you can import the project by following these steps in the M2Eclipse guide
Note that this is not strictly necessary since Maven will automatically download the SDK from the central Maven repository if it is listed as a dependency. If you'd like to build it locally, however, follow these instructions:
$ git clone
$ cd clarify-java
$ mvn install
To create and test a "Hello World!" app:
$ mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
$ cd my-app
$ mvn package
$ java -cp target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Open your pom.xml file and add the following to the section:
If you're trying to launch your own library into the Maven Central Repository, check out these instructions.
Copy-and-paste the following code over the contents of
Don't forget to set the appKey variable to the application key you created!
import io.clarify.api.*;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String appKey = "0123456789abcdef";
// Construct the API client
ClarifyClient client = new ClarifyClient(appKey);
// Create your first bundle using an example audio file
String name = "Harvard Sentences";
URI mediaUrl = URI.create("");
Bundle bundle = client.createBundle(name, mediaUrl);
import io.clarify.api.*;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String appKey = "0123456789abcdef";
// Construct the API client
ClarifyClient client = null;
client = new ClarifyClient(appKey);
// Start listing all of your media
BundleList bundleList = client.listBundles();
JSONArray linkItems = bundleList.getLinkItems();
for(int i=0;i<linkItems.length();i++) {
JSONObject item = (JSONObject)linkItems.get(i);
// ask for the next page, if we have one
if (bundleList.hasNextPage()) {
bundleList = bundleList.nextPage();
// ...
import io.clarify.api.*;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String appKey = "0123456789abcdef";
// Construct the API client
ClarifyClient client = new ClarifyClient(appKey);
// Search your media by query string
String query = "monkeys";
BundleSearchResults bundleSearchResults = client.searchBundles(query);
JSONArray itemResults = results.getItemResults();
for(int i=0;i<itemResults.length();i++) {
JSONObject item = (JSONObject)itemResults.get(i);
// ask for the next page, if we have one
if (bundleSearchResults.hasNextPage()) {
bundleSearchResults = bundleSearchResults.nextPage();
// ...
import io.clarify.api.*;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String appKey = "0123456789abcdef";
// Construct the API client
ClarifyClient client = null;
client = new ClarifyClient(appKey);
// Search your media by query string
String bundleId = "abc1234";
Bundle bundle = client.findBundle(bundleId);
if bundle != null {
boolean success = bundle.delete();
// Create your first bundle using an example audio file
String name = "Harvard Sentences";
URI mediaUrl = URI.create("");
Bundle bundle = client.createBundle(name, mediaUrl);
// Obtain the metadata in one API call by using the embed parameter
String bundleId = "abc1234";
HashMap<String,String> args = new HashMap();
Bundle bundle = client.findBundle(bundleId, args);
if bundle != null {
// Obtain the metadata by bundle ID in one API call
String bundleId = "abc1234";
Metadata metadata = client.findMetadata(bundleId);
String bundleId = "abc1234";
String newDataInJson = "{...}";
// Update the metadata in two API calls: 1) Retrieve the bundle with the bundle’s metadata, 2) call the update Metadata API
HashMap<String,String> args = new HashMap();
Bundle bundle = client.findBundle(bundleId, args);
if bundle != null {
BundleMetadata metadata = bundle.getMetadata();
BundleMetadata metadata = client.findMetadata(bundleId);
String bundleId = "abc1234";
Bundle bundle = client.findBundle(bundleId);
if bundle != null {
BundleMetadata metadata = bundle.metadata();
if metadata != null {
boolean success = metadata.reset();
String bundleId = "abc1234";
Bundle bundle = client.findBundle(bundleId);
if(bundle != null) {
URI trackUrl = URI.create("");
Track track = bundle.addTrack(trackUrl);
List of Tracks for a bundle
String bundleId = "abc1234";
// Note: makes two API calls
Bundle bundle = client.findBundle(bundleId);
if bundle != null {
BundleTrackList tracks = bundle.listTracks();
// Note: makes only one API call
BundleTrackList tracks = client.listTracksForBundle(bundleId)
Get a track
String bundleId = "abc1234";
String trackId = "wxyz9876";
Bundle bundle = client.findBundle(bundleId);
if bundle != null {
Track track = bundle.findTrack(trackId);
String bundleId = "abc1234";
String trackId = "wxyz9876";
// Note: makes two API calls
Bundle bundle = client.findBundle(bundleId);
if bundle != null {
boolean success = bundle.deleteTrack(trackId);
// Note: makes only one API call
client.deleteTrack(bundleId, trackId)
Note: the direct-access client API uses the Resty API directly. See the Resty documentation and Javadoc for more details on how to use it.
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String appKey = "0123456789abcdef";
// Construct the API client
ClarifyClient client = new ClarifyClient(appKey);
// All API calls to the Resty API will include your app key automatically in the header
JSONResource jsonResource =
// … use the standard Resty API to interact with the parsed JSON response directly