This is part of ConsenSys Academy's 2018 Developer Program.
This project solves the problem of identites by having everyone identity stored on the ethereum blockchain.
Clone the git repository and change to its directory and initialize npm with the following command:
git clone
cd EthPassport && npm init -y
Ensure the following node packages are installed by running the following commands:
- lite-server:
npm install lite-server
- truffle:
npm install -g truffle
- truffle-hdwallet-provider:
npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider
- Windows users may neednpm install -g windows-build-tools
if they are experiencing errors - openzeppelin-solidity:
npm install -E openzeppelin-solidity
If you are testing the contracts locally start your test RPC client on port 8545, then compile, migrate and test the contracts with:
truffle compile
truffle migrate
truffle test
The front end interface is run with lite-server for local testing purposes. Use the following command from within the EthPassport directory to run:
npm run start
A browser window should pop up automagically after the command is run pointing to http://localhost:3000, otherwise manually type this address in your preferred browser. Metamask is required to send transactions.
If you'd like to play around with the contract head on over to and paste the code in, ensure you have 0.1 eth in the value when you register.
Deploy the contract with truffle migrate --network rinkeby
after configuring the correct mnenomic and API key within truffle.js if you'd like to deploy the contract yourself on the rinkeby test network. This is not required to play on rinkeby. Currently the EthPassport contract is deployed at 0x5679051C3381ea527a71D454593f784b4A67f8A6
To get an infura rinkenby api key please head to
then signup then generate a key for rinkeby network
Please post your address on the social media publicly then head to
and submit the link of your post/tweet.
open truffle.js
file then update mnemonic
var with your mnemonic wallet and add your infura Rinkenby key after
then run truffle migrate --network rinkeby