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  • goals of this workshop
    • introduction to scala features:
      • for-comprehension
      • higher kinded types
    • developing basic intuitions concerning standard functional structures
      • monoid
      • functor and applicative functor
      • monad
    • show fundamental differences between above constructs
    • apply knowledge to real life
      • functional approach to validation
      • functional approach to IO
  • workshops order
    1. ForComprehensionWorkshop
    2. MonoidWorkshop
    3. FunctorWorkshop
    4. ApplicativeWorkshop
    5. PersonValidatorWorkshop
    6. MonadWorkshop
    7. EchoWorkshop


  • whenever we create an abstraction like Functor we should
    • consider abstract methods it should have
    • and laws we expect to hold for the implementations
      • of course Scala won’t enforce any of these laws
  • laws are important for two reasons
    1. help an interface form a new semantic level
      • algebra may be reasoned about independently of the instances
      • example
        • we could proof that Monoid[(A,B)] constructed from Monoid[A] and Monoid[B] is actually a monoid
          • we don’t need to know anything about A and B to conclude this
    2. we often rely on laws when writing various combinators
      • example
        • unzip List[(A, B)] into List[A], List[B]
          • same length
          • corresponding elements in the same order
        • algebraic reasoning can potentially save us a lot of work, since we don’t have to write separate tests for these properties
          • we could write a generic unzip function that works for any functor


  • monoid consists of the following:
    • trait
      trait Monoid[A] {
        def combine(a1: A, a2: A): A
        def zero: A
    • laws (semigroup with an identity element)
      • associativity
        combine(combine(x,y), z) == combine(x, combine(y,z)) for any choice of x: A, y: A, z: A
      • identity
        exists zero: A, that combine(x, zero) == x and combine(zero, x) == x for any x: A
    • is a type A and an implementation of Monoid[A] that satisfies the laws
  • example
    • string monoid
      val stringMonoid = new Monoid[String] {
          def combine(a1: String, a2: String) = a1 + a2
          val zero = ""
    • various Monoid instances don’t have much to do with each other
      • monoid is a type, together with the monoid operations and a set of laws
      • you may build some intuition by considering the various concrete instances
        • but nothing guarantees all monoids you encounter will match your intuition
    • we can say that
      • type A forms a monoid
      • type A is monoidal
      • less precisely: type A is a monoid or even type A is monoidal
      • but not: type A has monoid
        • analogy: the page you’re reading forms a rectangle, is rectangular or it is a rectangle but not: it has a rectangle
      • in any case, the Monoid[A] instance is simply evidence of this fact
  • folding context
    def foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B
    and we want to fold into the same type so
    def foldRight[A](z: A)(f: (A, A) => A): A
    monoid fit these argument types like a glove
    foldLeft and foldRight gives the same results when folding with monoid (associativity)
  • parallelism
    • below three operations give the same result
      combine(a, combine(b, combine(c, d)))
      combine(combine(combine(a, b), c), d)
      combine(combine(a, b), combine(c, d)) // allows for parallelism
    • proof (associativity)
      combine(combine(combine(a, b), c), d) = combine(combine(x, y), z), where x = combine(a, b), y = c, z = d
      combine(combine(x, y), z) = combine(x, combine(y, z))
      combine(x, combine(y, z)) = combine(combine(a, b), combine(c, z))
      so: combine(combine(combine(a, b), c), d) = combine(combine(a, b), combine(c, d))
  • additional properties
    • monoids compose
      • example: A, B monoids -> (A, B) is also a monoid
    • monoid homomorphism
      • condition: A, B monoids => A.combine(f(x), f(y)) == f(B.combine(x, y))
    • monoid isomorphism
      • homomorphism in both directions
      • example: String and List[Char] monoids with concatenation
    • commutative combine
      • when combine(x, y) == combine(y, x))
  • semigroup
    • semigroup for a type A has an associative combine operation that returns an A given two input A values
      trait Semigroup[A] {
        def combine(a1: A, a2: A): A
    • example: NonEmptyList[A]
      • there is no instance Monoid[NonEmptyList[A]] - you cannot specify zero element


applicative functors

  • definition
    trait Applicative[F[_]] {
      def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]
      def map2[A, B, C](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A, B) => C): F[C]
    • could be formulated using unit and apply (therefore called Applicative), rather than unit and map2
      • def apply[A,B](fab: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B]
  • applicative laws
    • left and right identity
      map(v)(id) == v
      map(map(v)(g))(f) == map(v)(f compose g)
      in other words
      map2(unit(()), fa)((_,a) => a) == fa
      map2(fa, unit(()))((a,_) => a) == fa     
    • associativity (in terms of product)
      • def product[A,B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A,B)] = map2(fa, fb)((_,_))
      • def assoc[A,B,C](p: (A,(B,C))): ((A,B), C) = p match { case (a, (b, c)) => ((a,b), c) }
      • product(product(fa,fb),fc) == map(product(fa, product(fb,fc)))(assoc)
    • naturality law
      • fa.map2(fb)((a, b) => (f(a), g(b))) ==
  • all applicatives are functors
  • advantages
    • preferable to implement combinators using as few assumptions as possible
      • it’s better to assume that a data type can provide map2 than flatMap
      • otherwise we’d have to write a new traverse every time we encountered a type that’s Applicative but not a Monad
  • validation context
    • only reporting the first error means the user would have to repeatedly submit the form and fix one error at a time
    • consider what happens in a sequence of flatMap calls like the following
      validName(field1) flatMap (f1 =>
          validBirthdate(field2) flatMap (f2 =>
              validPhone(field3) map (f3 => ValidInput(f1, f2, f3))
      • if validName fails with an error, then validBirthdate and validPhone won’t even run
    • now think of doing the same thing with map3
      map3(validName(field1), validBirthdate(field2), validPhone(field3))(ValidInput(_,_,_))
      • no dependency implied between the three expressions
  • additional properties
    • large number of the useful combinators on Monad can be defined using only unit and map2
      • example
        def map2[B, C](fb: F[B])(f: (A, B) => C): F[C] =
            fa.flatMap(a => => f(a, b)))
    • applicative functors compose
      • F[_] and G[_] are applicative functors => F[G[_]] is applicative functor


  • definition
    trait Monad[F[_]] {
      def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]
      def flatMap[A, B](ma: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
  • monad laws
    • given compose function
      def compose[A,B,C](f: A => F[B], g: B => F[C]): A => F[C] =
          a => flatMap(f(a))(g)
      • digression
        • functions like that: A => F[B] are called Kleisli arrows
    • left identity and right identity
      compose(f, unit) == f // m.flatMap(unit) == m
      compose(unit, f) == f // unit(a).flatMap(func) == func(a)
      // example for option
      option.flatMap(Some(_)) == option
      Some(value).flatMap(f) == f(value)
      • similar to zero element in monoids
    • associative law for monads
      compose(compose(f, g), h) == compose(f, compose(g, h))
      // example for option
      option.flatMap(f).flatMap(g) == option.flatMap(f(_).flatMap(g))
      • similar to associative law for monoids
  • monad is an implementation of one of the minimal sets of primitive combinators satisfying the monad laws
    • combinator sets
      • unit and flatMap
        def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]
        def flatMap[A, B](ma: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
      • unit and compose
        def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]
        def compose[A,B,C](f: A => F[B], g: B => F[C]): A => F[C]
      • unit, map and join
        def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]
        def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
        def join[A](mma: F[F[A]]): F[A]      
  • each monad brings its own set of additional primitive operations that are specific to it
    • example: Option, Either, List
  • vs interfaces
    • interfaces ~ relatively complete API for an abstract data type
      • merely abstracting over the specific representation
      • example: List - LinkedList, ArrayList
    • monad ~ many vastly different data types can satisfy the Monad interface and laws
      • like Monoid, is an abstract, purely algebraic interface
  • chain of flatMap calls is like an imperative program with statements that assign to variables
    • monad specifies what occurs at statement boundaries
    • example
      • Option monad - may return None at some point and effectively terminate the processing
    • example: identity monad
      case class Id[A](value: A) {
        def map[B](f: A => B): Id[B] = Id(f(value))
        def flatMap[B](f: A => Id[B]): Id[B] = f(value)
      val id = Id("Hello, ")
        .flatMap(a => Id("monad!")
        .flatMap(b => Id(a + b)))
      // id = Id(Hello, monad!)
      • simply variable substitution
        for {
            a <- Id("Hello, ")
            b <- Id("monad!")
        } yield a + b
        val a = "Hello, "
        val b = "monad!"
        val c = a + b
        • variables a and b get bound to "Hello, " and "monad!”
      • monads provide a context for introducing and binding variables, and performing variable substitution
  • unlike Functors and Applicatives, not all Monads compose
    • to show that "monads do not compose", it is sufficient to find a counterexample, namely two monads f and g such that f g is not a monad
    • proof:
    • problem
      • to implement join for nested monads F and G, write something of a type like:
        F[G[F[G[A]]]] => F[G[A]]
      • that can’t be written generally
      • but if G also happens to have a Traverse instance
        F[F[G[G[A]]]] => F[G[A]] // use sequence to turn G[F[_]] into F[G[_]], then use join on F then on G
    • problem is often addressed with a custom-written version specifically constructed for composition
      • example: monad transformers like OptionT
  • all monads are applicatives
    • not all applicatives are monads
    • difference between monads and applicatives
      • applicative constructs context-free computations, while Monad allows for context sensitivity
      • join and flatMap can’t be implemented with just map2 and unit
        • def join[A](f: F[F[A]]): F[A] // removes a layer of F
        • unit function only lets us add an F layer
        • map2 lets us apply a function within F but does no flattening of layers
    • Option applicative versus the Option monad
      • combine the results from two (independent) lookups: map2
        val F: Applicative[Option] = ...
        val departments: Map[String,String] = ...
        val salaries: Map[String,Double] = ...
        val o: Option[String] = F.map2(departments.get("Alice"), salaries.get("Alice")) {
            (dept, salary) => s"Alice in $dept makes $salary per year"
      • result of one lookup to affect next lookup: flatMap
        val idsByName: Map[String,Int]
        val departments: Map[Int,String] = ...
        val o: Option[String] = idsByName.get("Bob")
            .flatMap { id => departments.get(id) }
  • each monad brings its own set of additional primitive operations that are specific to it
    • example: State[S, A]
      def get[S]: State[S, S]
      def set[S](s: => S): State[S, Unit]
  • monad is a monoid in a category of endofunctors
    • endofunctor - functor that maps a category to itself
    • let's look for minimal set of combinators for a monad: unit, map and join
      • monoid = unit + join
      • endofunctor = map
    • Monoid[M] - objects: Scala types, arrows: Scala functions
    • Monad[F] - objects: Scala functors, arrows: natural transformations
    • overview
      zero/unit op/join
      Monoid[M] 1 => M M² => M
      Monad[F] 1 ~> F F² ~> F
      • ~> is natural transformation
      • is (M, M)
      • is F[F[A]]
      • 1 is
        • for Monoid: Unit type
        • for Monad: identity functor

IO context

sealed trait IO[A] {
  self => //  lets us refer to this object inside closures
  def unsafeRunSync: A

  def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B] =
    new IO[B] {
      def run: B = f(

  def flatMap[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] =
    new IO[B] {
      def run: B = f(
  • in short: IO is a magic thing that says this function depends on something other than its arguments
  • clearly separates pure code from impure code, forcing us to be honest about where interactions with the outside world are occurring
    • referentially transparent description of a computation with effects
  • IO computations are ordinary values
    • we can store them in lists, pass them to functions, create them dynamically, and so on
    • example
      def PrintLine(msg: String): IO = new IO {
        def unsafeRun = println(msg)
      def contest(p1: Player, p2: Player): IO = // pure function
        PrintLine(winnerMsg(winner(p1, p2)))
  • given IO[A] will overflow the runtime call stack and throw a StackOverflowError
    • solution: encapsulate operations into dedicated case classes and use tail recursion for evaluation
      • io.flatMap(f).flatMap(g) = io.flatMap(v => f(v) flatMap g)
      • approach called trampoline


higher kinded type

  • represent an ability to abstract over type constructors
  • suppose we have same implementations, different type constructors
    def tuple[A, B](as: List[A], bs: List[B]): List[(A, B)] =
      as.flatMap{a =>, _))}
    def tuple[A, B](as: Option[A], bs: Option[B]): Option[(A, B)] =
      as.flatMap{a =>, _))}
    def tuple[E, A, B](as: Either[E, A], bs: Either[E, B]): Either[E, (A, B)] =
      as.flatMap{a =>, _))}
    • in programming, when we encounter such great sameness—not merely similar code, but identical code—we would like the opportunity to parameterize: extract the parts that are different to arguments, and recycle the common code for all situations
    • we have a way to pass in implementations; that’s just higher-order functions
    • we need "type constructor as argument"
      def tuplef[F[_], A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)] = ???      
      • F[_] means that F may not be a simple type, like Int or String, but instead a one-argument type constructor, like List or Option
  • higher-kinded types are sometimes used in libraries
    • example: standard Scala collections
  • Scala doesn’t allow us to use underscore syntax to simply say State[Int, _] to create an anonymous type constructor like we create anonymous functions
    • we have to go through type projections
      • ({type L[a] = Map[K, a]})#L
        • declares an anonymous type
        • then access its L member with the # syntax
        • type constructor declared inline like this is often called a type lambda in Scala
    • removed in Scala 3

for comprehension

  • each line in the expression using the <- is translated to a flatMap call, except
    • the last line (yield) - it is translated to a concluding map call
    • x <- c if cond is translated to c.filter(x => cond)
  • flatMap / map
    for {
      bound <- list
      out <- f(bound)
    } yield out
    // is equivalent to (could be desugared with IntelliJ)
    list.flatMap { bound =>
      f(bound).map { out =>
  • flatMap / map / filter
    for {
      sl <- l
      el <- sl if el > 0
    } yield el.toString.length
    // is equivalent to
    l.flatMap(sl => sl.filter(el => el > 0).map(el => el.toString.length))