- references
- Zymposium - Data vs Function (Part 1) — Church Encodings
- Zymposium — Data vs Function — Free Structures (Part 2)
- Move Over Free Monads: Make Way for Free Applicatives! — John de Goes
- John De Goes: One Monad to Rule Them All
- Free as in Monads by Daniel Spiewak
- Free monad or tagless final? How not to commit to a monad too early - Adam Warski
- Free Monads—Paweł Szulc
- Uniting Church and State: FP and OO Together by Noel Welsh
- https://softwaremill.com/free-tagless-compared-how-not-to-commit-to-monad-too-early/
- https://github.com/softwaremill/free-tagless-compare
- https://github.com/zivergetech/Zymposium
- https://github.com/noelwelsh/church-and-state
- https://underscore.io/blog/posts/2017/06/02/uniting-church-and-state.html
- http://jim-mcbeath.blogspot.com/2008/11/practical-church-numerals-in-scala.html
- https://softwaremill.com/free-tagless-compared-how-not-to-commit-to-monad-too-early/
- https://softwaremill.com/free-monads/
- https://gist.github.com/igor-ramazanov/bd7d2a9dd5726d8ca9c356cf6cd85abf
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46789807/can-i-represent-non-sequential-parallel-execution-with-monads
- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46913472/how-exactly-does-the-ap-applicative-monad-law-relate-the-two-classes
- https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/hu1xgk/struggling_with_cats_applicative_implementation/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54164346/what-is-the-main-difference-between-free-monoid-and-monoid
- https://typelevel.org/cats/datatypes/freemonad.html#composing-free-monads-adts
- goals of this workshop:
- show free monads as a opposition to tagless-final
- introduction to other free structures: monoid, applicative, functor
- introduction to church encoding and reification
- understand how to use reification and free structures in practice
- show how resolve layers graph with reification and free structures
- example
sealed trait Console[A] case object ReadLine extends Console[String] case class PrintLine(line: String) extends Console[Unit] object Console { type Dsl[A] = Free[Console, A] def readLine: Dsl[String] = Free.liftF(ReadLine) def printLine(line: String): Dsl[Unit] = Free.liftF(PrintLine(line)) } val program: Free[Console, Unit] = for { _ <- Console.printLine("What is your name?") name <- Console.readLine _ <- Console.printLine(s"Hi $name!") } yield () // interpreter for live app val ioInterpreter : Console ~> IO = new (Console ~> IO) { override def apply[A](fa: Console[A]): IO[A] = fa match { case ReadLine => IO { scala.io.StdIn.readLine } case PrintLine(line) => IO { println(line) } } } // interpreter for tests def inMemoryInterpreter(input: ..., output: ...): Console ~> Id = new (Console ~> Id) { ... } IO.run(program.foldMap(IO.ioInterpreter))
- free monad = represent program as data
Free[F, A]
- Free = program
- F - algebra of the program (language)
- you can go through cases one by one and say: program can this or that
- easier to transform, compose, reason about
- A - value produced by the program
- allows us to separate the structure of the computation from its interpretation
- different interpretation depending on context (ex. live vs tests)
- pros
- we can pattern-match on the programs (which are values) to transform & optimize them
- interpretation is deferred until an interpreter is provided
- digression: trouble with monads
def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
- sequential computation: a program can depend on a value produced by previous program
- fa - first program
- A - runtime value
- F[B] - second program
- return = result program
- can only be interpreted, not introspected and transformed (prior to interpretation)
- however, in applicatives:
def ap[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B]
- no program depends on any runtime value: structure is static
(doX, doY, doZ) mapN (doResults(_, _, _))
- parallel, not sequential
- back to monads
- can I represent the
function in terms of thebind
function?- yes - every monad is an applicative
- can I represent parallel execution with monads
- a type which exposes a monadic interface cannot use Applicative to do parallel computation
- the Monad and Applicative operations should relate as follows:
(<*>) = ap
, where(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
// from applicativeap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
(<*>) = ap
is exactly the same asm1 <*> m2 = do { x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; return (x1 x2) }
- example for List
Applicative[List].map2(List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 2, 3))(_ + _)
- two possible returns
List(2, 4, 6)
List(2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6)
- explanation
- if you only consider Applicative then both implementations are valid
- however
- List should have also an instance of Monad
- all Monads are also Applicatives (in cats:
Monad[F[_]] extends Applicative[F]
) - then the implementation of
in this case has not only to be consistent with the Applicative laws but also with the Monad lawsmap2
is implemented in terms ofap
which is implemented in terms offlatMap
- as such, only the second implementation is valid
- this is called typeclass coherence
- reason why things like Validated has only Applicative instances but not Monad ones (contrary to for example Either)
- can I represent the
- intuition for free functor hierarchy
- free functor: programs that change values
- free applicatives: programs that build data
- classic example: parsers
case class AuthConfig(port: Int, host: String) val authConfig = (int("port"), server("host")) mapN (AuthConfig)
- classic example: parsers
- free monads: programs that build programs
EitherK[F[_], G[_], A]
- either on type constructorsFunctionK[F[_], G[_]]
is a natural transformation fromF
- we can compose them:
interpreter1 or interpreter2
(FunctionK[EitherK[...], ...]
) - last problem:
type Dsl[A] = Free[F, A]
should have the same typeF
InjectK[F[_], G[_]]
is a type class providing an injection from type constructorF
into type constructorG
- we have to lift our DSLs into that common
- we can compose them:
- when more than one monoid exists for a type, the free monoid defers the decision on which specific monoid to use
- example
- for integers, infinitely many monoids exist, but the most common are addition and multiplication
- val out = FreeMonoid.Value(2) ++ FreeMonoid.Value(3) ++ ...
- println(out) // Combine(Combine(Value(2), Value(3)), ...)
- similar to list
- you could store elements in the list, then fold them with monoid
- OO vs FP
- OO: easy to add operations (without code changes), hard to add actions (ex. return type change)
class Calculator { def literal(v: Double): Double = v def add(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a + b def subtract(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a - b ... } val c = new Calculator import c._ add(literal(1.0), subtract(literal(3.0), literal(2.0))) // inheritance (add operations) class TrigonometricCalculator extends Calculator { def sin(a: Double): Double = Math.sin(a) }
- FP: hard to add operations, easy to add actions (ex. new interpreter)
// classic FP = represent operations as data sealed trait Calculation case class Literal(v: Double) extends Calculation case class Add(a: Calculation, b: Calculation) extends Calculation case class Subtract(a: Calculation, b: Calculation) extends Calculation ... // define interpreters (add actions) def eval(c: Calculation): Double = c match { case Literal(v) => v case Add(a, b) => eval(a) + eval(b) case Subtract(a, b) => eval(a) - eval(b) ... } def pretty(c: Calculation): String = c match { case Literal(v) => v.toString case Add(a, b) => s"${pretty(a)} + ${pretty(b)}" case Subtract(a, b) => s"${pretty(a)} - ${pretty(b)}" ... }
- OO: easy to add operations (without code changes), hard to add actions (ex. return type change)
- OO and FP are related by the Church encoding
- takes us from FP to OO
- constructors become method calls
- operator types become action types
- example
trait ChurchBoolean { def apply[A](ifTrue: => A, ifFalse: => A): A def &&(that: ChurchBoolean): ChurchBoolean = this( that, ChurchBoolean.False ) } object ChurchBoolean { val True = new ChurchBoolean { override def apply[A](ifTrue: => A, ifFalse: => A): A = ifTrue } val False = new ChurchBoolean { override def apply[A](ifTrue: => A, ifFalse: => A): A = ifFalse } }
- reification: takes from OO to FP
- takes us from FP to OO
- type classes are Church encodings of free structures
- free structures are reifications of type classes
- in scala, according to "Towards Equal Rights for Higher-Kinded Types" by Moors, Piessens and Odersky, July 2007
- Scala's kinds correspond to the types of the simply-typed lambda calculus
- this means that we can express addition on natural numbers on the level of types using a Church Encoding
- example: https://w.pitula.me/2017/typelevel-church-enc/
- suppose that we have two time consuming computations
- A ===================> C
- A ===================> C'
- and suppose there is some other orchestration that is trivial
- B ==> C
- B ==> C'
- there is often shorter path to some type B
- A ===========> B
- so we can go:
- A ===========> B
- and then
- B ==> C and B ==> C'
- and therefore save a lot of time
- ===================>===================>
- ===========>==>==>
- it could be difficult to see what is that intermediary structure B
- replace functions call with data representation (B) and then fold over it (C, C')
- reverse process to church encoding
- suppose we would like to have a program that:
- shows how to correctly compose zio layers based on set of given layers
- and prints all layers that are missing
- so it's better to create first representation of graph, then - evaluate it
- otherwise we would have to reuse big parts of the same logic twice (generating graph twice)