- references
- Why Continuations are Coming to Java
- Project Loom: Helping Write Concurrent Applications on the Java Platform by Ron Pressler
- Java, Today and Tomorrow by Mark Reinhold
- Records and Sealed Types - Coming Soon to a JVM Near You!
- Does Java Need Inline Types? What Project Valhalla Can Bring to Java
- Java Futures, 2019 Edition
- [VDT19] Java - Quo Vadis? by Tobias Hartmann
- Java keeps throttling up! by José Paumard & Remi Forax
- Panama: A Foreign Policy for Java by Maurizio Cimadamore
- Project Loom Update with Alan Bateman and Rickard Bäckman
- Evolving the JVM with Brian Goetz and John Rose
- the goal of this paper is to show main java incubator projects
- note that this paper is not updated on a daily manner, so don't hold your breath
- up-to-date: 11.11.2020
- https://openjdk.java.net/projects/amber/
- explore and incubate smaller, productivity-oriented Java language features that have been accepted as candidate JEPs under the OpenJDK JEP process
- adapting to rising developer expectations
- exemplary shipped features
- diamond operator
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>()
- static methods type inference
List<String> empty = Collections.emptyList() // instead of Collections.<String>emptyList()
- lambda args type inference
Predicate<String> isEmpty = s -> s.length() == 0 // instead of (String s) -> s.length() == 0
- local variable type inference
var i = 1;
- enhanced switch expressions
static void howMany(int k) { switch (k) { case 1 -> System.out.println("one"); case 2 -> System.out.println("two"); default -> System.out.println("many"); } }
- diamond operator
- incubating
- record
record Point(double x, double y)
- first-class support for modeling data-only aggregates
- the state, the whole state and nothing but the state
- close a possible gap in java's type system
- language-level syntax for a common pattern
- reduce class boilerplate
- something like data in kotlin
- first-class support for modeling data-only aggregates
- sealed type
- defines a closed hierarchy
- pattern matching
- smart casts
if (obj instanceof String s) { // can use s here } else { // can't use s here }
- record
- https://openjdk.java.net/projects/loom/
- adapting to rising scale expectations
- threads in java
- thread scheduling is done by the OS
- thread stack is pre-reserved
- so far, one implementation: OS threads
- OS threads must support all applications in all languages
- cannot be specialized for the task, are good overall but not specialized
- task-switching requires switch to kernel
- ram-heavy - megabyte-scale
- scheduling is a compromise for all usages
- bad cache locality
- many lightweight/virtual threads
- small number "carrier" heavyweight/kernel threads managed by scheduler
- the use of Thread.currentThread() and ThreadLocal is pervasive
- without support, or with changed behaviour - little existing code would run
- scope locals expected to supplant most used of ThreadLocal
- since Java 5 we've encouraged people not to use the Thread API directly anyway
- use Executor and Future, so the baggage and past API mistakes are largely inconspicuous
- threads in java
- main goal
- continuations & fibers
- continuation is the ability to suspend computation and then resume it
- example
will print
public class ContinuationExample { public static void main(String[] args) { var scope = new ContinuationScope("example"); var continuation = new Continuation(scope, () -> { System.out.println("hello"); Continuation.yield(scope); System.out.println("hello again"); }); System.out.println("start continuation"); continuation.run(); System.out.println("run it again"); continuation.run(); } }
start continuation hello run it again hello again
- wraps a runnable
executes the runnable- can stop itself with a yield
- a call to
will restart the runnable just after theyield
copy the all stack frames on the heap- then
move some stack frames back- when resuming, only thaw a few frames
- install a return barrier if more frames exists
- return barrier will thaw a few more frames when hit
- then
- scheduling explicit (yield, run)
- no OS context switch
- no heap reservation
- only store what is actually needed
- example
- fiber = continuation + scheduler
- scheduling is done by application not OS
- wraps a task in a continuation
- continuation yields when the task needs to block
- continuation is continued when the task is ready to continue
- scheduler using an
- a fiber is scheduled on the thread
- blocking calls (read, write, sleep)
- freeze the fiber, schedule another one
- re-scheduled
- when a read/write/locks/etc will not block
- maybe scheduled on another thread
- fiber vs continuation
- fiber delegates the suspension (yield) to the continuation
- all blocking calls internally a yield
- the jdk code calls
on the continuation when it can be rescheduled
- fiber delegates the suspension (yield) to the continuation
- code like sync, works like async
- synchronous
- easy to read
- fits well with language (control flow, exceptions)
- fits well with tooling (debuggers, profilers)
- but
- costly to create and block
- a limited resource
- asynchronous (reactive)
- scalable
- but
- hard to read
- very hard to debug and profile
- often obscures business logic
- synchronous
- structured concurrency
- core idea: "every time that control splits into multiple concurrent paths, we want to make sure that they join up again"
- implementation detail: FiberScope
FiberScope scope = FiberScope.open(); try { Fiber<String> fiber1 = scope.schedule(task1); Fiber<String> fiber2 = scope.schedule(task2); } finally { scope.close(); // blocks until fiber1 and fiber2 terminate }
- https://openjdk.java.net/projects/panama/
- improving and enriching the connections between the Java virtual machine and well-defined but "foreign" (non-Java) APIs
- better interop with native code and data
- example for target improvements
- native function calling from JVM
- new data layouts in JVM heap
- "if non-java programmers find some library useful and easy to access it should be similarly accessible to java programmers" John Rose, JVM Architect
- https://openjdk.java.net/projects/valhalla/
- adapting to modern hardware
- every object in java has identity
- goal: pure data aggregator without identity
- code like a class, works like int
- valhalla goals
- provide denser memory layout (inline/value types)
- specialized generics (including primitive, value types)
- pure data aggregator without identity
- inline classes
- jvm cleanup
- why value types?
- smaller footprint (no object header)
- better locality (no dereference)
- simpler semantics (no identity)
- lowe operational impact (no allocation and GC)
- https://openjdk.java.net/projects/metropolis/
- big idea: java-on-java
- reduce dependency on c/cpp/assembly and rely on self-optimization
- reduce complexity and cost of maintenance
- first goal: replace JIT (C2)
- currently experimenting with GraalVm + SubstrateVM
- GraalVM already part of the openJDK
- potentially replace other components in the future
- https://openjdk.java.net/projects/portola/
- java in a world of containers
- java's characteristics make it ideal for container deployment
- safe, performant, reliable, rich ecosystem
- having java remain the first choice for deployments in the cloud
- main goal: provide a port of the JDK to the Alpine Linux distribution