This repo is still under development.
lytroIO aims to be a small C++ library to process Lytro files (extracting metadatas, saving images,... )
- Source code 📁:
- Issues 🆘:
Before being acquired and closed by Google in 2018, Lytro was an company developing plenoptic cameras for the general public.
The main use of light-field camera is the ability to change image focus during post-processing and thus, for example, being able to remove any blur or to create animated GIF with just one button pressed on the DSLR.
Image taken with a Lytro Illum by Doodybutch, published under CC BY-SA 4.0 license
Image taken with a Lytro camera animated by Christopher Hahne, published under GNU General Public License version 3 license for his PlenoptiCam software.
Here are the commands to compile this project :
cd <lytroIO_build_directory>
cmake -G <cmake_generator> -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=<ON/OFF> -DBUILD_DOCS=<ON/OFF> <lytroIO_source_directory>
cmake --build . --config <cfg>
By default, BUILD_EXAMPLES and BUILD_DOCS are set to OFF.
Here is some further reading or other projects :
- lfptools : a C tool to split Lytro files
- Lyli : the open-source alternative to the Lytro Desktop application
- Plenoptic : a website by Christopher Hahne, gather infos about Standard Plenoptic Camera
- Lytro Power Tools : a bunch of ressources linked to Lytro cameras and files