The Montana Climate Office aims to provide high-quality, timely, relevant, and scientifically based climate, drought and water resources information and services to Montanans. As Montana’s official climate data stewards, we strive to provide information for specific sectors of interest by either geography or industry, and assist stakeholders in adapting climate products to their needs.
Our GitHub hosts a variety of projects related to aggregating, processing, analyzing and visualizing climate data, data analysis, and visualization. Highlighted repositories include:
- mcor: An R package with utilities for visualizing and processing climate data for the state of Montana.
- mt-normals: An R package for generating 30-year climate normals for the state of Montana. Also an interactive GitHub Pages web app that displays these normals.
- cmip6: An R package for downloading and processing CMIP6 climate projections.
- ETo: An R package for quick and easy calculation of reference evapotranspiration.
Additionally, all repositories used to manage the Montana Mesonet are hosted on GitHub. These include:
- mesonet-in-a-box: An all-in-one tool suite of tools that facilitate managing the IT infrastructure of a mesonet.
- Mesonet Mobile App: The codebase for the Montana Mesonet mobile application.
- Mesonet Dashboard: The codebase for the Montana Mesonet dashboard.
- mesonet-qc: The quality control checking tool the Montana Mesonet uses for QA/QC of station data.