Maintainer: [Mark Stanislav](mailto: [email protected] "E-Mail Mark Stanislav")
Description: Provides a fully-functional CentOS 6 based 2.7.x Puppet master stack with mCollective 1.3.x + many plugins, The Foreman, RabbitMQ 2.5.x, Apache + Passenger. Easily configurable with variables set at the top of the to customize many facets of the deployment.
ln -s /Users/mstanislav/github/Veewee-Definitions/CentOS-6_x86_64-PuppetStack /usr/lib/ruby/user-gems/1.8/gems/veewee-0.2.0/templates/
vagrant basebox define 'CentOS6-x86_64-PuppetStack' 'CentOS-6_x86_64-PuppetStack'
vagrant basebox build 'CentOS6-x86_64-PuppetStack'