NYC Street Sweep will revolutionize the world of street sign notifications in the greatest city in the World.
NYC StreetSweep is a web application that displays when street cleaning regulations go into effect. Enter Main and Cross-street information to retrieve the corresponding regulation. Request a text message or twitter reminder to move your car at a preset interval before street cleaning regulation goes into effect. NYC StreetSweep is currently limited to Manhattan only.
Tagline: • Street cleaning reminders made simple. • Avoid the dreaded orange ticket.
Basic Application Functionality:
- User enters location of their parked car.
- Polyline map is generated displaying car location.
- User may request an sms/twitter reminder to move car before regulation starts.
Source data: • NYCDOT database (accessible for download @ • Alternate Side Street Parking regulations. • Street location by Main and Cross-street designation.
Assumptions: • Any given ordinance number has one unique regulation description. • Weekdays and time designations are standardized to enable reminder schedules. • Street locations as defined by NYCDOT may be geocoded to enable mapping function.
Gems used: • Geocoder • Sqlite3 • Sinatra • Timeliness • Twilio-Ruby • Twitter