The code is open-source (BSD License). Please note that this work is an on-going research and thus some parts are not fully developed yet. Furthermore, the code will be subject to changes in the future which could include greater re-factoring.
nao_walk_naoqi: A C++ naoqi module that achieves real-time omni-directional walking. This module needs to be cross-compiles the cross naoqi sdk and uploaded to NAO.
nao_walk_ros: A ROS/C++ wrapper that enables real-time communication with NAO without relying on naoqi-sdk.
- Ubuntu 16.04 and later
- ROS kinetic and later
- Eigen 3.2.0 and later
- git clone in a ROS workspace.
- cd nao_walk/nao_walk_naoqi && qibuild init
- qibuild configure --release -c cross-naoqi-sdk
- qibuild make -c cross-naoqi-sdk
- This will generate a naoqi module named "" in: nao_walk/nao_walk_naoqi/build-cross-naoqi-sdk/sdk/lib/naoqi
- scp [email protected]:/home/nao/modules to copy the module onto NAO.
- catkin_make
- roslaunch nao_walk gait_control.launch
- roslaunch teleop_twist_keyboard velocity_cmd.launch (To make the robot walk with the keyboard)