New functionality: Option to set rootnote using circle of fifths dial. Calculation of key signature and automatic enharmonic lookup when using the circle of fifths option. Click on signature to toggle between flats and sharps where available. Click '?' for extended help.
New functionality! Sound support Click on scale or chord to play.
Full octave support. Illustrated Nashville tuning for guitar:
Interactive guitar fretboard with scales and chords
Zoom in on relevant part of fretboard
Many scales and chords to choose from
(Is based on, and supports, all the chords and scales in the [musthe package] (
Show intervals as well as notes
Customize tuning to your liking
Command-line options available
Newest functionality: Click on labels to toggle transparency, right click to switch root note.
Newest functionality: Now supports other-than-six strings and settings file
Compiled versions for Linux and Windows. Check out "releases".