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donmccurdy committed Nov 15, 2018
1 parent 6d15ef5 commit 8bab9a3
Showing 1 changed file with 366 additions and 0 deletions.
366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions examples/js/loaders/GLTFDRACOLoader.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
* @author Don McCurdy /

THREE.GLTFDRACOLoader = function(manager) {

this.manager = manager || THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;

this.decoderPath = '';
this.decoderConfig = {};

this.workerLimit = 4;
this.workerPool = [];
this.workerNextTaskID = 1;
this.workerSourceURL = '';


THREE.GLTFDRACOLoader.prototype = {

constructor: THREE.GLTFDRACOLoader,

decodeDracoFile: function ( rawBuffer, callback, attributeIDs, attributeTypes ) {

var taskID = this.workerNextTaskID++;
var worker = this.getWorker();
worker._callbacks[ taskID ] = callback;
worker._taskCosts[ taskID ] = rawBuffer.byteLength;
worker._taskLoad += worker._taskCosts[ taskID ];

var attributeTypesSerialized = {};

for ( var name in attributeTypes ) {

attributeTypesSerialized[ name ] = attributeTypes[ name ].name;


worker.postMessage( {
type: 'decode',
id: taskID,
rawBuffer: rawBuffer,
attributeIDs: attributeIDs,
attributeTypes: attributeTypesSerialized
} );


setDecoderPath: function ( path ) {

this.decoderPath = path;


setDecoderConfig: function ( config ) {

this.decoderConfig = config || {};


setWorkerLimit: function ( count ) {

this.workerLimit = count;


getWorker: function () {

if ( this.workerPool.length < this.workerLimit ) {

if ( !this.workerSourceURL ) {

var fn = GLTFDRACOWorker.toString(); // this part may fail!
var body = fn.substring( fn.indexOf( '{' ) + 1, fn.lastIndexOf( '}' ) );
this.workerSourceURL = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob( [ body ] ) );


var worker = new Worker( this.workerSourceURL );

worker._callbacks = {};
worker._taskCosts = {};
worker._taskLoad = 0;
worker._taskCount = 0;

worker.postMessage( {
type: 'init',
decoderPath: new URL( this.decoderPath, window.location.href ).href, // TODO: Fails in IE11.
decoderConfig: this.decoderConfig
} );

worker.onmessage = function ( e ) {

var message =;

switch ( message.type ) {

case 'decode':
var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geometry.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( message.mesh.index.buffer, 1 ) );
for ( var i = 0; i < message.mesh.attributes.length; i++ ) {
var attribute = message.mesh.attributes[ i ];
geometry.addAttribute(, new THREE.BufferAttribute( attribute.buffer, attribute.itemSize ) );
worker._callbacks[ ]( geometry );
worker._taskLoad -= worker._taskCosts[ ];
delete worker._callbacks[ ];
delete worker._taskCosts[ ];

throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFDRACOLoader: Unexpected message, "' + message.type + '"' );



this.workerPool.push( worker );

} else {

this.workerPool.sort( function ( a, b ) { return a._taskLoad > b._taskLoad ? -1 : 1; } );


return this.workerPool[ this.workerPool.length - 1 ];


dispose: function () {

for ( var i = 0; i < this.workerPool.length; i++ ) {

this.workerPool[ i ].terminate();


this.workerPool.length = 0;



function GLTFDRACOWorker () {

var decoderPath;
var decoderConfig;
var decoderModulePromise;

onmessage = function ( e ) {

var message =;

switch ( message.type ) {

case 'init':
decoderPath = message.decoderPath;
decoderConfig = message.decoderConfig;

case 'decode':
decode( message.rawBuffer, message.attributeIDs, message.attributeTypes )
.then( function ( mesh ) {

var buffers = [ mesh.index.buffer.buffer ];

for ( var i = 0; i < mesh.attributes.length; i++ ) {

buffers.push( mesh.attributes[ i ].buffer.buffer );


self.postMessage( { type: 'decode', id:, mesh: mesh }, buffers );

} );

throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFDRACOLoader: Unexpected message type.' );



function getDecoderModule () {
if ( decoderModulePromise ) return decoderModulePromise;

var promise;

if ( typeof WebAssembly !== 'object' || decoderConfig.type === 'js' ) {
// Load with asm.js.
self.importScripts( decoderPath + 'draco_decoder.js' );
promise = Promise.resolve();
} else {
// Load with WebAssembly.
self.importScripts( decoderPath + 'draco_wasm_wrapper.js' );
decoderConfig.wasmBinaryFile = decoderPath + 'draco_decoder.wasm';
promise = fetch( decoderConfig.wasmBinaryFile )
.then( function ( wasmResponse ) { return wasmResponse.arrayBuffer(); } )
.then( function ( wasmBinary ) { decoderConfig.wasmBinary = wasmBinary; } );

// Wait for source files, then create and return a decoder.
promise = promise.then( function () {
return new Promise( function ( resolve ) {
decoderConfig.onModuleLoaded = function ( draco ) {
// Module is Promise-like. Wrap before resolving to avoid loop.
resolve( { draco: draco } );
DracoDecoderModule( decoderConfig );
} );
} );

decoderModulePromise = promise;
return promise;


function decode ( rawBuffer, attributeIDs, attributeTypes ) {

return getDecoderModule().then( function ( module ) {

var draco = module.draco;
var decoder = new draco.Decoder();

var buffer = new draco.DecoderBuffer();
buffer.Init( new Int8Array( rawBuffer ), rawBuffer.byteLength );

try {

return this.decodeGeometry( draco, decoder, buffer, attributeIDs, attributeTypes );

} finally {

draco.destroy( buffer );
draco.destroy( decoder );


} );


function decodeGeometry ( draco, decoder, buffer, attributeIDs, attributeTypes ) {

var dracoGeometry = new draco.Mesh();
var decodingStatus = decoder.DecodeBufferToMesh( buffer, dracoGeometry );

if ( !decodingStatus.ok() || dracoGeometry.ptr == 0 ) {

throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFDRACOLoader: Decoding failed: ' + decodingStatus.error_msg() );


var geometry = { index: null, attributes: [] };

var numFaces = dracoGeometry.num_faces();
var numPoints = dracoGeometry.num_points();
var numAttributes = dracoGeometry.num_attributes();

// Add attributes of user specified unique id.
for (var attributeName in attributeIDs) {
var attributeType = self[ attributeTypes[ attributeName ] ];
var attributeId = attributeIDs[attributeName];
var attribute = decoder.GetAttributeByUniqueId( dracoGeometry, attributeId );
geometry.attributes.push( this.decodeAttribute( draco, decoder, dracoGeometry, attributeName, attributeType, attribute ) );

// Generate mesh faces.
var numIndices = numFaces * 3;
var index = new Uint32Array(numIndices);
var indexArray = new draco.DracoInt32Array();
for (var i = 0; i < numFaces; ++i) {
decoder.GetFaceFromMesh(dracoGeometry, i, indexArray);
index[i * 3] = indexArray.GetValue(0);
index[i * 3 + 1] = indexArray.GetValue(1);
index[i * 3 + 2] = indexArray.GetValue(2);
geometry.index = { buffer: index, itemSize: 1 };

draco.destroy( indexArray );
draco.destroy( dracoGeometry );

return geometry;


function decodeAttribute ( draco, decoder, dracoGeometry, attributeName, attributeType, attribute ) {

var numComponents = attribute.num_components();
var numPoints = dracoGeometry.num_points();
var numValues = numPoints * numComponents;
var dracoArray;

var buffer;

switch ( attributeType ) {

case Float32Array:
dracoArray = new draco.DracoFloat32Array();
decoder.GetAttributeFloatForAllPoints( dracoGeometry, attribute, dracoArray );
buffer = new Float32Array( numValues );

case Int8Array:
dracoArray = new draco.DracoInt8Array();
decoder.GetAttributeInt8ForAllPoints( dracoGeometry, attribute, dracoArray );
buffer = new Int8Array( numValues );

case Int16Array:
dracoArray = new draco.DracoInt16Array();
decoder.GetAttributeInt16ForAllPoints( dracoGeometry, attribute, dracoArray );
buffer = new Int16Array( numValues );

case Int32Array:
dracoArray = new draco.DracoInt32Array();
decoder.GetAttributeInt32ForAllPoints( dracoGeometry, attribute, dracoArray );
buffer = new Int32Array( numValues );

case Uint8Array:
dracoArray = new draco.DracoUInt8Array();
decoder.GetAttributeUInt8ForAllPoints( dracoGeometry, attribute, dracoArray );
buffer = new Uint8Array( numValues );

case Uint16Array:
dracoArray = new draco.DracoUInt16Array();
decoder.GetAttributeUInt16ForAllPoints( dracoGeometry, attribute, dracoArray );
buffer = new Uint16Array( numValues );

case Uint32Array:
dracoArray = new draco.DracoUInt32Array();
decoder.GetAttributeUInt32ForAllPoints( dracoGeometry, attribute, dracoArray );
buffer = new Uint32Array( numValues );

throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFDRACOLoader: Unexpected attribute type.' );


for ( var i = 0; i < numValues; i++ ) {

buffer[ i ] = dracoArray.GetValue( i );


draco.destroy( dracoArray );

return {
name: attributeName,
buffer: buffer,
itemSize: numComponents



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