-Make sure make, clang are installed and added to the path. -default terminal setting.json file path is in: C:\Users{UserName}\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState - This can be changed via the hard link command to map the file, e.g. "New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Path "C:\Users{UserData}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\settings.json" -Target "C:\tools\windowsterminal\settings.json""
list of executable to be installed before using full version of nvim config:
- choco
- on windows, install make for building fzf
- ripgrep for telescope string search
- in windows: choco install ripgrep
- in linux: sudo apt install ripgrep
-Use pip install nvr to enable the feature of editing file within lazygit
-Powershell config location is in ~/Document/WindowsPowerShell